September 12, 2016 Board Meeting Minutes
Meeting was called to order at 4:30 pm.
Present were Dave Zeemont, President; Steve Bailey, Secretary; Bob Crowley, Treasurer; Dave Wright, Director at Large. Also present were William Webber, Design Control Chair; Carrie Gaddy, Landscaping Chair; and Debbie McAllen.
Minutes of the previous meeting were approved.
Steve Bailey, who had previously announced he was stepping down as a Board member and Secretary, nominated Debbie McAllen to fill the upcoming vacancy on the Board and for the position of Secretary. This vote would become effective immediately after adjournment of today’s meeting. The vote in favor of Debbie McAllen was unanimous and she accepted.
Debbie announced that the new email address would be [This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.]{#cloak0943c8f299f8defa2a5949bd3776109e}
. Please make note of this new address and adjust your spam filters accordingly.
Bob Crowley, Treasurer presented the Treasurer’s Report (see attached.) Bob also mentioned that all 2016 assessments had been received with the exception of two half-year amounts. He will call these two to remind them.
William Webber, Design Control Chair, stated that all was quiet with nothing new to report.
Dave Wright, Gates Chair, also reported that all was quiet with nothing new to report.
Carrie Gaddy, Landscaping Chair, reported that work on the five cul de sac islands that are scheduled for updating will, hopefully, begin next week.
A Resolution was submitted and passed to write a letter to the bank removing Steve Bailey as a signatory on the checking account and adding Debbie McAllen to the signatory list. Checks (or computer payments) must be signed/agreed to by at least two Board members. Those designated as signers are the President, Treasurer, and Secretary.
Bob Crowley, Erosion Control Chair, reported that recent rains had caused a couple small problems of dirt being washed into the streets. The same parties are responsible for allowing runoff onto streets and will be charged for cleanup.
A neighbor had complained about a dark barking at night, but had not provided any information to the Board so no action could be taken. As a reminder, dogs should not be left unattended out in the yard day or, especially, night. If you have a problem with a dog consistently barking, you should call the County Animal Control. They are the ones who can help. The occasional barking of dogs is not a violation of the CC&Rs, however.
The monsoon season is well under way and so it is time once again to remind homeowners and lot owners that they are responsible for keeping trees and brush from leaning into the roads or blocking views while driving. The Board admits that the CRNA is a major offender this year and it was agreed to hire someone to clip brush and trees from the roadside. The CRNA may invoke its right, granted in the CC&Rs, to remove brush and small trees that are growing alongside the road of property owners.
The next meeting of the Board will be held on Monday, October 10, 2016 at 4:30 pm at 1236 Regency Court. All are welcome, however, always check with the Secretary to make sure the meeting date has not been changed due to schedule conflicts.
With no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 5:36 pm and Debbie McAllen became a Board Member and Secretary!
Respectfully submitted,\ Steve Bailey, Secretary (emeritus) CRNA\ September 12, 2016