April 11, 2016 Board Meeting Minutes

The meeting was called to order at 4:30 pm.

Present were Dave Zeemont, President; Steve Bailey, Secretary; Bob Crowley, Treasuer; and Dave Wright, Director at Large. Also present was William Webber, Design Control Chair.

Minutes from the previous meeting were approved.

Bob Crowley, Treasurer, presented the Treasurer’s report, which was approved.

William Webber, Design Control Chair, noted that approval had been given for a resident to add a patio and fireplace structure to their property. Also, designs for new construction were in the preliminary stage working towards approval.

Dave Zeemont, President, addressed the group about a potential problem with water meters in CR. A few meter boxes have been reported as having been filled up with dirt and residents are unable to read meters (also one was installed on its side.) A couple water leaks have been reported (on the house side of the meters) after removing the dirt. The water company will not repair any leaks on the house side of the meter (apparently even since the leak was caused by the installation.) Dave asked Steve Bailey to send out a note to all residents to check their water meters and report any problems. Dave will then compile a list and present to the water company for resolution.

With no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 5:30 pm. The next Board meeting is scheduled for May 9, 2016 at 4:30 pm at 1236 Regency Court. All meetings are open to all residents; however, if you plan to attend, please check with the Secretary (this email) to make sure the schedule has not been changed.

Respectfully submitted,\ Steve Bailey, Secretary CRNA\ April 20, 2016\ 575-520-0668