March 14, 2016 Board Meeting Minutes

Meeting was called to order at 4:30 pm.

Present were Dave Zeemont, President; Steve Bailey, Secretary; Bob Crowley, Treasurer; Larry Felhauer and Dave Wright, Directors at Large. Also present was William Webber, Design Control Chair.

Minutes from the previous meeting were approved.

Bob Crowley, Treasurer, presented the Treasurer’s Report (attached.) Receipt of 2016 assessments seem to be running ahead of schedule so far.

Dave Wright, Gates Chair, stated that the (metal) gates have been refurbished and are now back in place. The agreement with Apex was approved by the Board (Apex handles maintenance and repair of the gate workings.) Dave presented an offer from Apex on an anemometer-activated gate opener for when high winds hit. After a brief discussion, the offer was rejected. Discussions are continuing with Apex regarding replacing the current telephone system with a computer based system. This would negate our need for a telephone line (and its expense) if it works out. Computer based digital cameras are also in the planning/discussion stage.

Larry Felhauer, Streets Chair, mentioned that street repairs and sealing will begin this spring. Actual dates are still being finalized. Notice will go out to all residents when dates are determined.

Steve Bailey reported on the results of the survey of resident opinions regarding moving of the mailboxes. Steve stated that response was good and that a little over 85% voted “No” on the possible move. It was noted that nearly all of the “No” responses were strongly opposed. Several great ideas and suggestions were received as well about what to do instead of moving the mailboxes. Steve is compiling a list and the Board will use the list in determining a plan.

A discussion was held regarding the fact that there is only one improved entry/exit to Picacho Hills. The only possible alternatives involve crossing the large arroyo (unimproved) into Linda Vista or a circuitous unimproved route near the airport. Any county plans are years off for any paved roads. Residents are free to look into alternative routes in case another such emergency occurs; however, the Board declined to publish a map because of the unstable condition of the alternatives.

The Board wants to remind everyone that spring is weed-growing time and all residents need to keep an eye on what is growing in their yards, especially those that are growing within sight of the roads. Additionally, the CC&Rs require that all landscaped areas must be weed free.

The next meeting of the Board of Directors will be on April 11th at 4:30 pm at 1236 Regency Court. All meetings of the Board of Directors are open meetings and all are invited. It is recommended that, if you plan to attend a meeting, to check (via this email address) to make sure the time/date has not changed.

With no further business, the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,\ Steve Bailey, Secretary CRNA\ March 15, 2016\ 575-520-0668