November 9, 2015 Board Meeting Minutes
Meeting was called to order at 4:30 pm.
Present were Dave Zeemont, President; Steve Bailey, Secretary; Bob Crowley, Treasurer; Larry Felhauer and Dave Wright, Directors at Large. Also present were William Webber, Design Control Chair, Dave Coyle, Sandy Camden, Ed Camden.
Dave Coyle presented an appeal to the Board of Directors regarding his request to build a driveway opening on Constitution Road in addition to the driveway opening onto Goldeneye. Steve Bailey explained the CC&Rs that prohibit the Board of Directors from reversing a “No” vote on a variance request issued by the Design Control Committee. However, a resident may appeal directly to the Board of Directors for consideration. Dave Coyle explained his desire to have two driveways. Several neighbors, in person and via emails, voiced their opposition to the variance. After a long discussion, the Board voted to deny the appeal. The Board did offer Mr. Coyle the opportunity to make some changes to his request and present it to the Design Control Committee. No guarantees were made regarding the outcome of such a request.
Minutes from the previous meeting were approved.
Bob Crowley, Treasurer, presented the Treasurer’s Report (attached.) Nothing appeared to be out of the ordinary and the report was approved.
Bob, as Erosion Control Chair, reported that the ponding area at the south end of Sonnet and Constitution was currently having some runoff dirt removed and will eventually be returned to its normal depth. It was also noted that one lot on Constitution that was draining water and dirt onto Goldeneye was currently being corrected by Kelly Dickson. A couple other lot owners/offenders were issued bills for cleanup from their uncorrected runoff. Additional work is in the planning/works to eliminate the dumping of dirt onto Goldeneye.
Bob also explained a situation where 4 homeowners shared a problem of water runoff that eventually dumped dirt into the roadway. With help from the Erosion Control Committee, the neighbors were able to work together to solve the problem.
Dave Wright, Gates Chair, reported that the gate structures were currently being repaired and painted. The cost of $1570 was considerably less than when originally repaired/painted and the amount had already been in the Gates budget, so no new funds are needed. The lighting system at the Coronado Ridge sign at Barcelona and Anthem has been redone and new lights have been placed. The lighting (LEDs) are much brighter and less costly to run. Water infiltration had caused the original system to fail.
With no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 5:45 pm.
Respectfully submitted,\ Steve Bailey, CRNA Secretary\ November 15, 2015\ 575-520-0668