May 11, 2015 Board Meeting Minutes

Meeting called to order at 6:30 pm.

Present were Dave Zeemont, Steve Bailey, Larry Felhauer and Dave Wright.

Minutes from the previous minutes approved.

Bob Crowley, Treasurer, was not present and so no verbal Treasurer’s report was given.

There was very little business to attend to. Dave Zeemont, President, asked about progress on certain items. The extended light for the mailboxes will be worked on after Art and the Garden is over (Larry Felhauer is doing the work and was featured on the tour, so time was limited.) A homeowner on Sonnet Court has made inquiries about putting in a swimming pool and a small addition to the house. The Design Control Committee is handling it. Another house, after years of sitting vacant, has finally entered foreclosure. Bob Crowley will research and speak to the new owners (a bank) about bringing the yard up to standards. Another property owner has received multiple notifications to clean up his yard (house is vacant) without response. The Board voted to have the work done and send the bill to the owner. If not paid within 30 days, a lien will be placed on the house. The house is not in foreclosure.

The Board decided that, if there was no pressing business that needed attention, there will be no meeting for the month of June. With no further business, the meeting was adjourned.


Respectfully submitted,\ Steve Bailey, Secretary CRNA\ May 29, 2015\ 575-520-0668