April 15, 2015 Board Meeting Minutes

Meeting was called to order at 4 pm.

Present were Dave Zeemont, President; Steve Bailey, Secretary; Bob Crowley, Treasurer; Larry Felhauer and Dave Wright, Directors at Large. Also present were William Webber, Design Control Chair and Carrie Gaddy, Landscaping Chair.

Minutes from the previous minutes were approved.

Bob Crowley, Treasurer, presented the Treasurer’s Report (attached) and it was approved.

Carrie Gaddy, Landscaping Chair, reported that all of the islands have been done with rock and new plants as needed. Some of the islands have had the drip systems replaced or updated. There might be some finishing up work being done, but the major landscaping projects for 2015 have been completed. There will still be some final touches and a few plants may have to be replaced throughout the year. The Landscaping Committee plans to add some more planting projects in the fall.

There was a discussion regarding weeds in the development. We have had a relatively wet winter and spring and weeds are and will be rather rampant now. All neighbors are reminded that the CC&Rs require that residents/owners treat, or otherwise control, the weeds on their lots. A continuing problem exists with a few vacant houses that are for sale. Absentee owners are difficult to contact and/or convince that weed control is important, both for the neighborhood and for the sale of their property.

William Webber, Design Control Chair, reported that the four houses currently under construction were moving right along with no problems to speak of at this time.

Larry Felhauer noted that two Coronado Ridge homes/gardens will be featured in this year’s Artist of Picacho Hills Art in the Garden festivities. You may expect a little more traffic on May 17th from about 11 am until 5 pm. Everyone is invited to this free event featuring six varied gardens in Picacho Hills and, at each garden, there will be several artists displaying their wares. Master Gardeners will be at each garden to help or answer any questions you may have about gardening in our unique climate. The locations of the tour gardens will be provided the day of the event at either the main distribution center in the Ump 88 complex (actually the parking lot to the south and east of the pub) or at any of the gardens (which will be marked by signs and a huge flag at each one.)

Meeting was adjourned at 4:31 pm.\ Respectfully submitted,\ Steve Bailey, CRNA Secretary\ April 28, 2015