February 9, 2015 Board Meeting Minutes
Meeting was called to order at 4pm
Present were Dave Zeemont, President; Steve Bailey, Secretary; Larry Felhauer and Dave Wright, Directors at Large. Also present were William Webber, Design Control Chair; Carrie Gaddy, Landscaping Chair; Tom and Jeanine Springer, and Rich Purcella.
Steve Bailey presented the Treasurer's report (attached ;) however, because Bob Crowley was not present to answer questions, the Board received the report but did not approve/disapprove the report until such time that Bob could be present.
The Board reviewed the variance proposal on Lot 6. In a previous special meeting, the Board voted to rescind the previously approved variance due to erroneous information that was inadvertently provided for that decision. Corrections were made on the paperwork and the variance was officially approved.
William Webber, Design Control Chair, reported that two properties were currently doing work on their properties on upper Constitution to help alleviate water and dirt from flowing onto the streets.
Landscaping Chair, Carrie Gaddy, reported that our landscaping company had been sold to another company. The company, Sun Spot, has a lot of experience in landscaping care and has already started work for Coronado Ridge. They have a horticulturist on staff and he is working on a care plan for our plants.
The issue of doing something to improve night time safety while driving around the islands was discussed. When the issue of painting the island curbs was mentioned at the General Membership meeting in January, several people stated they would not like paint placed on the curbs. After a discussion, it was decided to try some low level reflectors to see how they would work out.
Steve Bailey passed along some neighbor complaints about a vacant property that needs to have the landscaping cleaned up. Dave Zeemont stated he would call the agent and the owner, giving him two weeks to take action. Failure to act will then require the Board to take action, as spelled out in the CC&Rs, to make sure the work was done either by the owner or by the Association, which would then bill the owner. Failure to make a timely payment will result in a lien being filed on the property, along with administrative costs.
With no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 4:45 pm. The next scheduled Board meeting will be held at 4 pm on March 9, 2015 at 1236 Regency Court.
Respectfully submitted,
Steve Bailey, CRNA Secretary
February 12, 2015\ 575-520-0668