January 12, 2015 Board Meeting Minutes
Meeting was called to order at 4 pm.
Present were Dave Zeemont, President; Steve Bailey, Secretary; Bob Crowley, Treasurer; Larry Felhauer and Dave Wright, Directors at Large. Also present were William Webber, Design Control Chair and Carrie Gaddy, Landscaping Chair.
Minutes from the previous meeting were approved.
Bob Crowley presented the Treasurer’€™s Report. Report was approved. Bob mentioned that the annual audit will be conducted on Wednesday, the 14th.
Bob also spoke of the ongoing erosion control efforts going on at the top of Constitution Road. He was working with residents to solve some ongoing problems with erosion/drainage.
William Webber, Design Control Chair, reported that a variance request for a double entry driveway (on two different streets) had been denied by the Committee and that denial had been upheld by the Board of Directors.
Larry Felhauer and Dave Wright, Gates Chairs, stated that the gates have had no problems lately. Lighting for the mailboxes has been ordered and received and Larry is working on attaching the light to the pole. It should be ready soon.
A neighbor had submitted expenses incurred when researching a previous variance request of a neighbor. The Board decided that, since they had not been contacted about the expenses, the Board would not pay them.
Kelly Dickson was named by William Webber to fill the Design Control Committee’s opening. The Board approved Kelly. Walt Scheiderich, who had held that position for several years, passed away on January 3rd. The Board of Directors, as well as the entire community, will miss Walt and wish his family well.
The Board decided to try meeting on the second Monday of each month at 4 pm instead of the previous 6:30pm so meetings would not interfere with dinners, etc. The next Board meeting will be held Monday February 9th at 4 pm at 1236 Regency Court.
With no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 5:12 pm
Respectfully submitted,\ Steve Bailey\ Secretary CRNA\ January 14, 2014\ 575-520-0668