August 05, 2014 Board Meeting Minutes
Meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm. Present were Dave Zeemont, President; Steve Bailey, Secretary; Bob Crowley, Treasurer; Dave Wright, Director at Large. Also present were William Webber, Design Control Chair and Maxine Webber.
Minutes from the previous meeting were approved.
Bob Crowley presented the Treasurer’s Report (see attached.) Nothing out of the ordinary, just a few residents are late with the second half of annual assessments plus three houses in foreclosure. Bob did report a problem with Dona Ana Mutual Water Company. After months of sending bills to the correct address, they chose to send one of the islands to a different address. No shut off notice was given but they promptly padlocked the meter on the island, causing considerable distress to some trees recently planted at neighbors’ expense. When contacted, the water company representative said sorry, they made a mistake, but there are still late fees and re-hookup fees due. Bob complained and eventually they agreed to forego the extra fees. When the new bill arrived, those fees were still on the bill. Bob reports that all is settled now. No mention was made by the water company regarding reimbursement for lost plantings, even though the entire incident was their fault. Stay tuned. Report was accepted by the Board.
Bob Crowley also gave the Drainage Control report, stating that the newly installed drain/flume on south Constitution has been working quite well with the recent rains. The amount of silt on the streets have been greatly reduced throughout the neighborhood and Kelly is currently working with three residents that abut South Constitution to further reduce runoff and silt.
William Webber, Design Control Chair, reported that GL Green had asked for a variance of height requirements for a new home being planned for the top of Constitution. He had originally asked for a 2 foot variance for about 15% of the roofline. After receiving resistance from the Board, he offered to lower the building lot by 18 inches, resulting in a net increase of 6 inches. The Design Control Committee granted that compromised version of the request.
The Board discussed a couple complaints regarding bright outside lights bothering uphill neighbors and decreasing their enjoyment of the view. It was noted that both of the offending houses had new residents in them, so it was probable that they are not aware of what their lighting is doing to the neighbors. Steve Bailey agreed to send letters requesting that they tone down the lights and also to limit their on-time to when actually needed. It should be noted by all residents that the CC&Rs state: “… No obtrusive lighting shall be allowed in the Subdivision, and the Design Committee or the Board of Directors shall be the sole arbiters in deciding whether or not lighting is obtrusive.” The Board has consistently enforced a policy that outside lighting should either be directed down (preferred) or, if lighting projects outward, then some kind of shade must be placed on the light to block light from interfering with a neighbors enjoyment of the view. Complaints must be made in accordance with the guidelines set forth in the CC&Rs.
The Board agreed to a request to remove weeds from between the curb and pavement on some of the streets. Recent rains have encouraged weeds everywhere.
The Board agreed to an in-house policy that all billings for gate repairs, etc. be sent to Dave Wright, Gates Chair, for his approval prior to sending out payment.
With no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:45 pm. The next meeting of the Board of Directors is scheduled for Monday, September 8th, at 6:30 pm at 1236 Regency Court. Every member is welcome, but keep in mind that if you plan to attend, check with the Secretary to make sure the meeting time has not been changed.
Respectfully submitted,\ Steve Bailey, Secretary CRNA\ 575-520-0668\ August 7, 2014