May 6, 2013 Board Meeting Minutes

Meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm.

Present were: Dave Zeemont, President; Steve Bailey, Secretary; Bob Crowley, Treasurer; Larry Felhauer and Dave Wright, Directors at Large. Also present was William Webber, Design Control Chair.

Minutes from previous meeting were approved.

Bob Crowley, Treasurer, presented the Treasurer's report (see attached.) Nothing out of the ordinary happened the past month. We collected about $18,000 in assessments. There are about 20 lots that are unpaid at this point, which is fairly typical for this time of year. Report was accepted.

Carrie Gaddy, Landscaping Chair, was unable to attend but sent word that the landscaper should be starting work on the Anthem strip sometime this week.

William Webber, Design Control Chair, had several items to mention. A rock wall along a driveway has been approved. The owner of the ground level solar panels is home now and is working with William to mitigate the visual problem. A builder received preliminary approval on lot improvement plans submitted for a new house that included details of preparing lot for drainage problems. A check was received as a deposit for keeping the lot clean, etc., while under construction.

Dave Wright, Gates Chair, reported that all was working fine.

Larry Felhauer and Steve Bailey announced that they would meet before next meeting to discuss new HOA laws the State will put into effect later this year. Larry also reported that he will have the proposal on when future road resealing projects may be needed by the next meeting.

The next scheduled Board meeting will be held on Monday, June 10, 2013 at 6:30 pm at 1236 Regency Court. As always, all meetings of the CRNA are open to any member.

Meeting was adjourned at 7:30 pm.

Respectfully submitted,\ Steve Bailey\ CRNA Secretary\ May 8, 2013\ 520-0668