February 11, 2013 Board Meeting Minutes

Meeting was called to order. Present were Dave Zeemont, Steve Bailey, Bob Crowley, Larry Felhauer, and Dave Wright.

Minutes from both the previous Board meeting and the General Membership Meeting on January 22, 2013 were approved.

Bob Crowley gave the Treasurer's Report (attached.) He reminded us that dues would be divided into two sections this year, each being $250. The first installment will be due on or before March 31, 2013, with the second installment due on or before June 30, 2013. He noted that most people send both payments by the March deadline. Bob will send reminders out in March.

Steve Bailey announced that the newly formed Rules Sub-Committee (formed in response to concerns expressed in the General Membership Meeting) will have its first meeting on February 19th. All residents who volunteered will be on the committee. The main focus will be to investigate and give ideas to the CC&R and By Law Committee regarding parking, weed control, lighting, roof color, and other such items. The By Law Committee will then present its recommendations to the General Membership Meeting in 2014.

Steve also mentioned that one resident had suggested we form a type of neighborhood watch to keep an eye out for suspicious automobiles, etc. that may be in the area. Any suspicious activity (cars, people, etc.) should be reported to the Sheriff's Dept, even if it may appear non-threatening to you. The police use such reports to build cases and develop preventative measures for our safety. It was also suggested that perhaps a volunteer would step forward to coordinate such an effort. Although problems are extremely rare up here, they still do happen, and we need to be aggressive to prevent their spread. So, if you see anything suspicious, call the Sheriff!

The Board discussed the possible need to beef up security at the gates. Dave Wright and Larry Felhauer will look into security technologies to see if any are reasonable for CR.

The next Board of Directors meeting will be held Monday, March 11th, at 6:30 pm at 1236 Regency Court. With no further business, the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,\ Steve Bailey, Secretary CRNA\ February 16, 2013\ 520-0668