October 8, 2012 Board Meeting Minutes

Meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm. Attending were: Dave Zeemont, President; Steve Bailey, Secretary; Larry Felhauer and Kathy Mayer, Directors at Large. Also attending were Dave Wright, Gates Chair and Carrie Gaddy, Landscaping.

Minutes of the previous meeting were approved.

Carrie Gaddy gave the Landscaping Committee report. Carrie has worked with Jackye Meinecke and has come up with a written plan to repair and update the plantings and drip systems for both gateways and the CR sign area. The Board agreed to use money we have saved using the new landscaper (he has not begun charging us a maintenance fee while he is repairing and bringing everything up to par,) for the gates and sign areas. Carrie said that work should begin on Friday of this week. (Work did start on Friday, and at this writing, the plantings at the sign are mostly in. Some more plants and rock work will be done this coming week.)

Dave Wright stated that everything regarding the gates are working fine, with the exception that the final battery (from the originals) finally gave out and he has ordered another one. Batteries are used to open gates in the event of a power failure. Dave noted that the SOS system at the Anthem gate requires approximately 3 seconds of siren to open them, while Barcelona requires about six seconds.

The Board discussed a couple complaints regarding weeds and the constant parking of a trailer/mobile home. Dave Zeemont will write letters to the offending parties. In the case of the mobile home, they have been warned before. The Board will consider enacting a monthly fine if the mobile home is not removed. As far as weeds go, the Board realizes that this is the time of year for weeds to grow and this year has been particularly bad. In general, you are responsible for keeping weeds out of your yard. Because some lots have "wild" areas within them, the Board only asks that, if you have rocked an area and made it part of your living yard, then you must keep the weeds off those areas. The complaints came regarding yards that have been rocked and are obviously part of the yard design. Please, let's get rid of those weeds! Vacant lots have different rules to follow and, generally, weeds must be removed from the building pad area. Check your CC&Rs (available at www.coronadoridge.com ) for further restrictions.

Steve Bailey presented the Treasurer's report because Bob Crowley could not attend due to changing circumstances. The report showed no unusual activity and was approved by the Board. I will not be able to send a copy with these minutes but will send them out separately as soon as I have them.

The Board spoke briefly regarding the General Meeting which will be held in January. Dave Zeemont will act as Nominating Chair. The Nominating Committee is simply charged with making sure at least one person is available for each position. This January, the two openings will be Secretary and one At-Large position. Steve Bailey announced his intention of running again as Secretary and Dave Wright offered to run for the At-Large position. Any member of the CRNA and who is current with all assessments, etc. can either be placed in nomination or can nominate themselves for any position. Contact Dave Zeemont if you are interested in running (or hit reply and I will forward it to Dave.) Nominations will be taken from the floor at the General Meeting as well.

The next meeting is scheduled for 6:30 pm on Monday, November 12, 2012 at 1236 Regency Court.

Respectfully submitted,\ Steve Bailey, Secretary CRNA\ October 12, 2012