September 10, 2012 Board Meeting Minutes

In the absence of Steve Bailey due to illness, BarbaraRose Farber recorded the minutes. President Dave Zeemont called the meeting to order at 6:35 P.M. Present were Dave Zeemont, David Wright, Larry Felhauer, Bob Crowley, William Weber, Kathy Mayer, BarbaraRose Farber and Laura Smart who was introduced as the replacement for Kathy Mayer who is stepping down as the hospitality chairperson. Kathy also announced she would be stepping down from her Board position in January.

Bob Crowley, treasurer, reported that 3 liens were filed on homeowners who had not paid their annual fee, one homeowner has since paid, the others have not been received. Please see attached financial reports. Bob Crowley as the drainage chair reported that the storms this past Friday and Saturday did no damage to the flumes and left little to no standing water.

David Wright reported that the gates have been working perfectly requiring no need for service.

William Weber as chair of the design committee told us that he had nothing to report.

Dave Zeemont stated that three of our residents homes will be open to the public this Sunday during the Art in the Garden tour; a large turnout is expected.

BarbaraRose Farber as landscaping chair will be contacting our new Landscaping Company, Circle R Landscaping to find out when they expect to plant the new trees purchased for So. Regency Court, and the first common island on Constitution Road, just inside the Anthem gate.

Bob noted that there seems to be a leak at the island at the north end of Academy Ct., as an unusually high water billing was received. He checked it out and did not find any traces of a leak. Barbara Rose was requested to speak to Circle R Landscaping to see if they can find the cause.

Kathy Mayer wanted to remind all female residents that the next Girls Night Out will be this coming Thursday, September 13th at Ump 88 Grill, from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Also, Kathleen Cordova has indicated that there will be another covered dish block party on Saturday, October 6th. Details will follow.

Dave Zeemont reported that he has some information on the water rates proposed by the company who has taken over Pichaco Hills Utility. He will let us all know what they have proposed in the October issue of the Picacho Hills Property Owners newsletter.

There being no further business, Dave Zeemont reminded us that the next CRNA board meeting would be October 8th at his home. The meeting was adjourned at 7:30 P.M.