August 20, 2012 Board Meeting Minutes
Meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm. Attending were Dave Zeemont, President; Steve Bailey, Secretary; Larry Felhauer and Kathy Mayer, Directors at Large. Also attending was Dave Wright, Gates Chair.
Minutes from the previous meeting were approved.
Bob Crowley, Treasurer, was unable to attend but he handed his report to Steve Bailey prior to the meeting (see attached.) Nothing unusual in the report. Three owners have not paid the 2012 dues yet; they are all non-residents. Liens are being filed this week. Bob also mentioned that nothing was new regarding the Erosion Control Committee.
Carrie Gaddy, Landscaping Committee, was also unable to attend but she handed in a written report (slightly edited by me):
Here is an update on landscaping:
Most demolition (removal of dead plants) has taken place. There are several grasses that still need to be removed at the Barcelona entrance. New emitters have been put on 3 islands and the rest should be completed this week. Two regulators were placed on Constitution island 1 & 2. There was a large leak on 2 that was repaired. New drip lines were put down on #1 because it was more cost effective than digging up the old line and plugging numerous emitters. There are two dead coyote bushes on this island that will be replaced this week. Greg Switzer is going to help me plant several lantana on the Anthem entrance. Most of Anthem has been completed but there are still several grasses that need to be removed. It is very time consuming so they are bringing a small tractor to pop them out. Heber will plant a nice tree or two on Regency south (paid for by residents there.) That will be done in September. I did speak to the guys about the numerous weeds popping up and they are spraying and pulling weekly, it's just never ending!
I had hoped this phase would have moved more quickly but we are almost finished and I think it looks much better! I took it upon myself to have Jackye from Enchanted Gardens come by and give me some ideas for the lower Anthem island (where the sign is) as well as trying to get a more cohesive look between the main entrance islands! She is doing my backyard so I just paid her for the time she spent on the other project.
The Board discussed the spilled paint in the exit lane of the Anthem Gate and the responsible party will be asked to remove it. In a separate incident, some minor damage was done to the flower box just outside the exit.
Dave Wright, Gates Chair, reported that everything is working fine.
Kathy Mayer reported that Sandy Camden has volunteered to direct the Girls Night Out activity (a non-Association activity.) Volunteers are needed for the upcoming Holiday Party, traditionally held in December. Time is going fast and work needs to begin on the party as soon as we can. Please either contact Kathy or just reply to this email. This party is a volunteer activity and not sponsored by the Association.
Larry Felhauer agreed to take over the operation of the CR website, , at Kathy's suggestion and the Board's approval.
The Board wants to remind everyone that political signs are prohibited in Coronado Ridge per the CC&Rs.
Also, the Board would like to remind everyone to try to keep up with the weeds in CR. It is (supposedly) the monsoon season, and weeds grow like, well, weeds. Also, it is time to remove dead trees and bushes killed from the killer cold of two years ago.
Real estate for sale signs are permitted in CR on the actual property for sale only (check the CC&Rs for size and number descriptions.) Directional signs on other peoples property is prohibited (most of those signs are actually on CR right of way areas along the streets.) Larry Felhauer has agreed to contact the agents regarding those signs. If they are not removed by the agents, they will be removed by the Association.
Meeting was adjourned at 7:30 pm. The next meeting will be held on Monday, September 10th at 6:30 pm at 1236 Regency Court.
Respectfully submitted,
Steve Bailey
Secretary CRNA
August 21, 2012