March 12, 2012 Board Meeting Minutes
Meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm. In attendance were Dave Zeemont, President; Steve Bailey, Secretary; Bob Crowley, Treasurer; Larry Felhauer and Kathy Mayer, Directors at Large. Also attending was Dave Wright, Gates Chair.
Previous month's minutes were approved.
Bob Crowley presented the Treasurer's Report (see attached.) Bob stated that there were very few glitches in sending out annual assessment notices via email and that they had been taken care of. Treasurer's Report was approved. As Erosion Control Chair, Bob also stated that there was nothing new to report.
Larry Felhauer gave an update concerning the road resealing project for 2012. There are a few areas that need actual repair work (cutting out old pavement and replacing, etc.) and some of these are in Phase 3, which would normally be done next year. However, if we do all of the actual repairs at once, it will be a lot cheaper.The Board voted in favor of doing all of the repair work this year. Larry will begin the notification process; the actual work should begin sometime in April (the earlier date will be good because the weather won't be as hot as May and the sealant will work better and it also helps the sealant to get a coating of "dust" over it, which normally comes in April.)
Dave Wright, Gates Chair, noted that lights on both kiosks had been replaced and should make seeing the names much easier at night. The SOS system was also tested and works fine.
Dave Zeemont talked a little bit about the water pressure problems (mainly on Regency) and stated that most residents had installed pressure valves so the problem seems to be over for now. The island on (north) Regency Court has had troubles with the irrigation system blowing out because of the water pressure. It was discussed and it was learned that a pressure valve would cost $275 or so for the island. Steve Bailey suggested that we take this opportunity to switch this island to a "non-watered" island, in line with our overall plan to make the islands more xeric.It was decided to remove the water from the island and use some of the money saved for a few more native plants.Steve Bailey will supervise the changes.
With no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:30 pm. The next meeting will be held Monday, April 9th at 6:30 pm at 1236 Regency Court. All Board meetings are open to any resident who wishes to attend.
Respectfully submitted,
Steve Bailey
CRNA Secretary
March 22, 2012