September 14, 2011 Board Meeting Minutes

Meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm.

Attending were Dave Zeemont, President; Steve Bailey, Secretary; Bob Crowley, Treasurer; and Kathy Mayer, Director at Large. Dave Wright, Gates Chair, also attended.

Minutes from previous meeting were approved.

Bob Crowley presented the Treasurer's Report (see attached.) Nothing out of the ordinary occurred during the last month. Two residents remain unpaid for the year; however, one of those recently closed and we will be checking with the title company for funds. Otherwise, liens will be placed on the unpaid properties.

Dave Wright, Gates Chair, reported that the SOS system was working properly. He stated that Torres Welding would be coming out to touch up the scratched paint and dent in the Anthem Exit Gate, which some impatient person pushed open with his auto.

Bob Crowley, Erosion Control, reported that we have two problems, neither serious at this time. The slope on West Constitution, which Kelly had done some soil work on as an interim measure until we can rock it, was holding up fairly well. Even with the recent rains, the soil is holding. Hopefully, we can hold off rocking it until Spring since the Erosion Control Committee has spent all of their regular funding for the year. The amount we pay for the rocks will eventually be repaid to us by PicachoMountain (we hope.) The second item is the water exit flume on Constitution just past Sonnet Ct (south) between lots 58 and 59. The exit from the street was never designed correctly and most of the water passes it, which causes a heavy amount of water going down the next exit flume. Bob said it could be repaired for about $200. The Board authorized up to $500 in emergency funds to cover repair expenses.

Steve Bailey reported that, due to scheduling conflicts, he and Larry Felhauer will not be able to meet until later in September to work on planting ideas for the gates and islands.

There have been some complaints about a few residents who are improperly parking extra cars, trailers and/or other vehicles on their properties. It was agreed that each resident will be personally contacted to eliminate the problems. It was also reported that one resident who had a large vehicle parked in front of his house has now rented storage space for it, so that problem has been resolved.

The next meeting will be held on Monday, October 10th at 6:30 pm at 1236 Regency Court. All Board meetings are open to all residents; however, we do ask that you contact Steve Bailey if you wish to attend, so we can arrange extra seating and/or keep you informed of any date changes.

With no further business, the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Steve Bailey

Secretary CRNA

September 15, 2011
