July 18, 2011 Board Meeting Minutes
July 18, 2011
Meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm. Board Members present were Dave Zeemont, President; Steve Bailey, Secretary; Bob Crowley, Treasurer; Larry Felhauer and Kathy Mayer, Directors At Large.
Also present were William Webber, Design Control Chair; Dave Wright, Gates Chair; Maxine Webber, Walter Scheiderich, Geoff Gill, Jim Ignacek, Johanne Golcher, and Alan Shawala.
Minutes from the previous meeting were approved.
Bob Crowley, Treasurer, presented the Treasurer's Report (see attached.) Expenses were routine items and he stated that a few neighbors have not yet paid the Special Assessment that was due June 30th. He is following up with emails and other means to collect these amounts.
Dave Zeemont led the discussion on the water pressure problems in Coronado Ridge. Some residents (mostly at the top of the hill) were either without water or experienced very low water pressure during the week of July 11th. There have been several theories floating around about the cause, each with its own merit. Because much of the reasons have not been substantiated, it was decided not to include them in the minutes at this time. However, Dave Zeemont has put in a formal request that the State Engineer assess the entire water infrastructure to determine officially what the cause (s) was. Apparently, some work was done and water pressure has returned to normal at this time. When the official report is made, neighbors will be notified through my emails.
Bob Crowley, Erosion Control Chair, stated again that the Committee is done with planned repairs for this year. He is keeping an eye on the dirt work that was done on the West Constitution area to make sure erosion does not begin when the rains begin. If erosion becomes a problem, the Committee may have to ask for emergency funds to rock the area to protect it and the roadway. Eventually, Picacho Mountain will pay for these repairs; however, we may not be able to wait for them.
Dave Wright, Gates Chair, reported that his monthly SOS test of the gates was successful. He has contacted an electrician to look into some minor problems with some lights at the sign/gates. Dave has not yet gotten additional bids on the repair/restoration of the Barcelona Gate and CR sign; however, he is working on it.
A question was asked about what we will be doing concerning the removed Palo Verdes along the Anthem strip. Since the Landscaping Chair was not present, Steve Bailey will contact her and get a full list of planned replacements.
Larry Felhauer, who is active in the Picacho Hills Garden Club, put out an appeal to all residents that the Garden Club is in need of a couple volunteer gardens for the Annual Art in the Garden Tour, which will be held Sunday, September 18th. If you would like to have your garden considered for the tour, or know of someone who would, please contact either Larry ( [This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.]{#cloakc4678d91d4c5c86bc7456590be769939}
), or just hit reply to this email and the information will be forwarded. The Art in the Garden Tour will be open to the entire public this year and we desperately need gardens to show off Picacho Hills and especially Coronado Ridge. Please help.
Kathy Mayer, Web Meister, stated she would like to make the web site more easily accessed by both residents and possible newcomers. She would like to remove the password required, because most residents either misplace their password or cannot remember it. In order to remove the password, we would have to remove a few items such as information on personal gate codes, etc. It was also discussed that our financial reports should not be made "public." Kathy would also like to look into listing the "for Sale" properties in CR because many people search the website, looking for information on moving here. It was suggested that Realtors could provide the information needed and could pay a small fee for having their properties listed here. The Board approved all the proposed changes and approved Kathy looking into the possibility of Realtors cooperating with the listings.
The meeting was adjourned at 8 pm. The next scheduled meeting will be held on Monday, August 15th at 6:30 pm at 1236 Regency Court. Please notify Steve Bailey if you would like anything placed on the agenda.
Respectfully submitted,
Steve Bailey
Secretary, CRNA
July 21, 2011
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