March 23, 2011 Board Meeting Minutes

March 21, 2011 Minutes of the Board of Directors

Meeting was called to order at 6:32 pm.

In attendance were Dave Zeemont, President; Steve Bailey, Secretary; Bob Crowley, Treasurer; Larry Felhauer and Kathy Mayer, Directors at Large. Also attending were William Webber, Design Control Chair; Dave Wright, Gates Chair; and Barbara Rose Farber, Landscaping Chair.

Minutes of the previous meeting were approved.

Bob Crowley, Treasurer, gave the Treasurer's report (see attached.) He mentioned that about 30 people have paid their annual dues so far. Treasurer's Report was approved by the Board.

Dave Wright reported that the SOS system and battery backups were working properly on both gates. The Barcelona Gate has been having intermittent problems in letting people in. Dave called Allied (gate service) and they came out and nothing appeared wrong. Several neighbors had reported occasional times when gate failed to open. Steve mentioned (with absolutely no knowledge about remotes) that it might be some interference from the signal tower. As it stands, the only two options are to replace the opening electronics (several thousand dollars) or to do nothing. The Board decided to wait and see how it played out. If you get stuck, you can always enter your code at the kiosk, which seems to work all the time. Please let Steve or Dave Wright know if you are having problems.

Dave also stated that he has gotten his supply of new remote openers now.

William Webber, Design Chair, reported that one resident had requested permission to change the color of his house from yellow to a brownish-tan color. The Board had no objections (earlier by email) and permission was granted.

Barbara Rose Farber, Landscaping Chair, reported that the "Big Freeze" had damaged several water lines throughout CR and Marco had repaired all of the damages. The bill was approximately $600. She wanted to thank everyone who reported leaks/damages during this time. Bob mentioned that the water bill had increased slightly during this period, also.

Bob Crowley, Erosion Control Chair, reported that two more concrete flumes and one rock flume had been completed on the Barcelona arroyo. He stated that one more flume and the major project will be completed. There will be some continuing maintenance (minor) and perhaps some rocks will be required in the future. After the final flume is completed, the 2011 budget for erosion control will be mostly used up. This amount includes $3300 in dirt work at the west end of Constitution Road, which will eventually be repaid by Picacho Mountain. We do not expect to receive payment from PM this year, however.

Bob also mentioned that Lot 71 has agreed to rock most of their hillside lot, which should reduce the amount of dust/dirt significantly from that lot.

Steve Bailey reported that he and Anna Luenberger attended a meeting at the BLM regarding cows running loose in Picacho Hills and of ATVers driving (mostly) along the southern border of Coronado Ridge and some to the west and north. The Association has no problem with families out enjoying themselves and following the law; however, most of the ATVers and 4 wheel drivers are breaking the law and severely damaging the landscape. Besides making life miserable for those who live along the borders with loud engines, screaming, loud parties and gunshots, these people are creating a severe erosion problem which residents of Coronado Ridge have to pay for. At the meeting were representatives from the BLM, BLM law enforcement, Sheriff's Dept, Country Club, Picacho Mountain, Bobby Gallegos (manager of the cows), and Mr. Burke, landowner.

Both the BLM and the Sheriff's Dept promised increased patrolling for ATVers, etc. in the affected areas around CR and increased response times from citizen reports. The BLM enforcement officer can be reached at 649-9110, although he has a huge area to patrol and his response time may be slow. For better results, you can call the Sheriff's Dept at 526-0795 to report any unlawful activity.

The BLM asked property owners (including Coronado Ridge) to help out by placing some "No Trespassing" signs on our property, which makes enforcement much easier. The Association has the signs and will place a few on the perimeter.

As far as the cows go, it was reported that the fences along the western border appear to be in good repair and are not a problem. Fences are being cut along the northwestern/north border of Picacho Mountain and the BLM lands. As soon as the fences are repaired, they are cut again. Investigations have shown that ATVers are not the problem and that hikers seem to be cutting the fences. Of course, once the fence is cut, the cows wander. The BLM and other parties will work on some signage to inform hikers of a pass through location that they can use instead of cutting just anywhere. Also, an education program for the public will be utilized to inform people of the layers of damage done just by cutting a fence. Increased patrols will also be used.

Unfortunately, we all live in an "open range" area and the cows have the right of way. It is up to people living in this area to protect their own property whether it be fences or other means. A concerted effort by all involved will be necessary to stop the problem of cows damaging our properties.

The next Board of Directors meeting is scheduled for April 11th; however, that date may change due to schedule conflicts.

The meeting was adjourned at 8 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Steve Bailey

Secretary CRNA

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March 23, 2011