December 08, 2010 Board Meeting Minutes
December 8, 2010\ CRNA Board Meeting Minutes
Meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm. Board Members present were Dave Zeemont, President; Steve Bailey, Secretary; Bob Crowley, Treasurer; and Larry Felhauer Director at Large. Also present was Dave Wright, Gates Chair.
Minutes from the previous meeting were approved unanimously.
Bob Crowley, Treasurer, presented the Treasurer's Report (see attached.) He further reported that only three persons had not paid their assessments for 2010. It was only recently discovered that one property had been sold and the new owners had not been in contact with the CRNA. Bob is confidant that we will be able to collect their charges. Also, one lot owner's bill and lien notice had been returned; however, since the property is listed for sale, it was suggested that notices be sent to the real estate agent. The third property is involved in a bankruptcy foreclosure and it is unlikely we will be able to receive anything.
Bob Crowley, as Erosion Control Chair, reported that work on the ponding areas around Lots 36 and 37 has been mostly completed; just a little touch up work remains. Further work in that area along the border with Picacho Mountain has also been essentially completed but the financial report on that project will no show up until the December financial reports are completed (the work had only recently been paid for.)
The bulk of the evening was spent working on the budget for 2011 and finalizing items to be voted on at the January General Membership Meeting, which will be held on Wednesday, January 19, 2011 at 6 pm at the Country Club.
Nominations for Secretary and one Director at Large positions will be accepted up to and including the night of the meeting. So far, Steve Bailey has been nominated for Secretary while Kathy Meyer and Barbara Rose Farber have been nominated for the one Director at Large position. If you would like to nominate someone, please let us know so we can inform our neighbors.
After considerable discussion, it was decided that the annual assessment would only have to be increased by $17.25 per lot (annual increase of less than $3,000) to satisfy the new budget. This amounts to approximately a 5% increase (last year there was no percentage increase at all.) The main new item on the 2011 budget is repairs to both gate structures and sign at Anthem and Barcellona. Mainly, these structures are showing wear and need to be repaired (including sealing the tops to prevent water intrusion,) and priming and painting all of the non-metal structures. The total costs for these improvements will be approximately $8,000.
The new budget also calls for Special Annual Assessments for Erosion Control ($170) and Roads Repair Fund ($130.) These amounts are unchanged from last year. The Erosion Control Committee produced an estimate of what major projects need to be addressed and their approximate costs for the next two years. The Board voted that the two main projects — finishing the large ponding area along Barcelano and the hillside along the west loop of Constitution Road — should be completed in 2011. The Barcelano pond needs a few more small concrete flumes and other minor work to complete; and the hillside over Constitution has long been a major problem for Coronado Ridge. This work would involve grading, placing some drainage ditches, and rocking the area. Although Picacho Mountain has agreed to do this work eventually in exchange for rights to a high pressure gas line placed on Coronado Ridge property, it was decided that we could no longer wait for them to take action. The erosion, mudflows and ATV trails are a constant problem now. When the economy picks up and Picacho Mountain once again begins work, we will present them with the bill. These two projects would essentially use up the $170 per lot special assessment for the year. The remaining projects (for 2012) will require a similar amount. After that, it is hoped that, barring any unforeseen emergencies, the requests for special assessments for erosion control can eliminated.
Larry Felhauer, Gates and Roads Committee Member, reported that we have enough money (from 2010 special assessment) to begin the repair cycle on the roads in Phase One this coming summer. The request for $130 per lot special assessment for 2011 will cover a large portion of the road repairs for the next phase.
Steve Bailey, Bylaws Chair, announced that no changes had been made since last meeting's approval of the work submitted by his Committee. A separate email will follow, giving all of the details of the proposed changes.
With no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:45 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Steve Bailey\ CRNA Secretary\ December 9, 2010