July 19, 2010 Board Meeting Minutes

July 19, 2010 Board of Directors Meeting\ \ Meeting was called to order at 6:36 pm. Board Members present were Dave Zeemont, President; Steve Bailey, Secretary; Bob Crowley, Treasurer; Larry Felhauer and Barbara Rose Farber, Directors at Large.\ \ Also present were Dave Wright, Gates Chair; William Webber, Design Chair; Maxine Webber, and special guest Rudy Acosta.\ \ Barbara Rose Farber, Landscaping Chair, introduced Rudy Acosta, owner of Superior Sprinklers & Landscaping. Mr. Acosta, along with Barbara Rose and Bob Crowley had previously driven around looking at the condition of the landscaping. Mr. Acosta presented the Board with his estimate of what he would charge to bring the landscaping up to "par" (just under $1400) and what he would charge monthly to keep everything in good shape (again, just under $1400.) The Board spent some time asking questions and then thanked Mr. Acosta for coming and offering his bids.\ \ The Board decided that Mr. Acosta's bids were high (we currently pay around $800) and that we should send a letter to Marco, our current landscaper, to light a fire under him and give him a chance to improve his service. There was some discussion about Marco's work. Although there are some areas that need work, overall, he has been doing a good job (in the opinion of some of the Board members.) It was decided to wait and see how Marco responds before any action is taken on dealing with Mr. Acosta.\ \ The minutes of the previous meeting were unanimously approved.\ \ Bob Crowley, Treasurer, presented the Treasurer's report (attached.) As of this date, only 8 people have failed to pay their special assessments on time. Bob and Dave Zeemont were making the last efforts to collect them before filing liens on the delinquent properties.\ \ William Webber, Design Chair, reported that just a few minor requests have been made to the Design Committee for improvements/upgrades to property. Some residents have piled rocks or sand in the roadways as part of their projects; however, they have either placed traffic cones or have been asked to do so. As a reminder, the CC&Rs require residents to get approval from the Design Committee for nearly any project affecting the exterior of their house. Contact William at [This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.]{#cloak7e8b7168e38b59f2c8cec1b89bf368b2} to make sure you are in compliance with the CC&Rs. Most requests are approved over the phone.\ \ Bob Crowley, Erosion Control Chair, reported that the proposed cooperative involvement to remedy the erosion/water flow problems on the border near the north end of Academy between CR and Picacho Mountain is at an apparent standstill. Bob will contact the Soil Conservation Corp to get advice on what to do next. Quite often, the Soil Conservation Corp will provide engineering expertise at no cost. No other projects are active at this time.\ \ Dave Wright, Gates Chair, reported that the high winds from the July 16th storm apparently damaged the Anthem Gate. Dave theorizes that a very high gust of wind hit the gate just as it was opening, which caused it to get stuck in the gravel. Dave turned the gate off to save the motor and got it repaired. Dave also conducted the "whoop" test (for emergency vehicle entry) and all was well.\ \ Dave stated that the Anthem kiosk, which was damaged by a contractor, will be repaired sometime this week or next. The contractor's insurance company has already sent us the check. Dave will look into placing some steel posts to protect the kiosks from any future damage.\ \ Steve Bailey reported that ATV riders have been driving around the steel posts at the head of the flume (Constitution and S. Sonnet) and then entering the flume and driving down into the (dry) ponding area and out the gate. The concrete has been damaged from the ATV machines scraping on the concrete edges. Unfortunately, we also have to consider the liability to some wild driver circumventing the steel poles and driving down the flume. Steve suggested having some large boulders placed near the edge to prevent this from happening. The Board voted unanimously to have Steve get a bid. A bid of $200 was received from Carlos for materials (13 boulders) and labor. The boulders have been placed.\ \ Meeting was adjourned at 8:30 pm The next meeting will be held Monday, August 16th at 6:30 pm. Please note this is a week later than normal.\ \ Respectfully submitted,\ Steve Bailey\ CRNA Secretary\ July 23, 2010