April 12, 2010 Board Meeting Minutes

Board of Directors' Meeting\ April 12, 2010\ \ Meeting called to order at 6:35 pm. Board Members present were Dave Zeemont, President; Steve Bailey, Secretary; Bob Crowley, Treasurer; Barbara Rose Farber and Larry Felhauer, Directors at Large.\ \ Also present were Dave Wright, Gates Chair and new resident Frank Murphy.\ \ Minutes from previous meeting were approved 5-0.\ \ Bob Crowley, Treasurer, presented the Treasurer's report (attached.) Nothing unusual happened in the report as only routine expenses were paid. Bob did mention that Annual Assessment dues were progressing nicely, with only about a half dozen lot owners (mostly builders) not yet paid. Many people paid both the Annual Assessment and the Special Assessments at the same time, although the Special Assessments are not due and payable until June 30th. The Annual Assessments were considered late as of April 1st and late fees have been added to the bills. It was suggested that a friendly letter be sent to all residents reminding them of the due dates and the amount needed. People who have already sent their payments should simply ignore this message. Treasurer's Report was accepted 5-0.\ \ Bob Crowley, who is also the Erosion Control Chair, reported that he had met with an engineer with Zia Engineering and Picacho Mountain's Tommy Etterling to make an initial assessment of what will be needed regarding the flood control measures along the northern border of CR. This is the first step and nothing has been decided at this time. The CRNA plans to work with Picacho Mountain on this project and will share the costs with them. The main needs of the CRNA is to provide a safe and non-destructive way to move water from behind Lots 35, 36, and 37, among other things.\ \ Bob also stated that the Erosion Control Committee was working with GL Green on Lot 19 regarding the water retention pond on that lot. Also, they were in the process of rebuilding the flume behind Lot 37 to prevent erosion where the flume stops and sand begins.\ \ Dave Wright, Gates Chair, reported that the Barcelona Gate had been forced open, causing it to malfunction. Repair work cost $126. A discussion was held concerning the installation of security cameras and other measures. Cameras would cost approximately $1,000 each and would broadcast the "pictures" to a designated computer (most likely a Gate Committee volunteer). These pictures would identify the culprits while at the same time provide 24 hour security tapes of any questionable activities around the gates. Further research and discussion will take place. The current rash of damages is apparently being caused by construction workers who do not know the code. A discussion was held with the potentially guilty foremen.\ \ Barbara Rose Farber, Landscaping Chair, remarked that it is now spring and weeds are beginning to crop up all over Coronado Ridge. Of main concern are the weeds sprouting in some peoples formal yards, not necessarily the natural areas. Residents should keep in mind that removing the weeds at this time of year makes them much easier to control and makes the entire Coronado Ridge neighborhood look much nicer. Remember that the Parade of Homes tour is just around the corner and we want to put out best foot forward. A question was brought up concerning the fountain at the Anthem Gate; Barbara Rose will confer with the volunteers who planted last year for an answer.\ \ Dave Zeemont, President, stated that he would like to initiate a recycling awareness program for the entire Picacho Hills neighborhoods, with perhaps Coronado Ridge taking the lead in organizing the effort. Steve Bailey will contact the appropriate trash removal companies to find out what they offer in recycling pickup and any suggestions for increasing awareness/compliance on a neighborhood basis. This proposal is in the very beginning stages. Any suggestions or volunteers regarding this issue would be greatly appreciated. There should be very little, if any, financial burden to this proposal.\ \ With no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:30 pm.\ \ Respectfully submitted,\ Steve Bailey\ Secretary CRNA\ April16, 2010