February 8, 2010 Board Meeting Minutes
Board of Directors Meeting\ February 8, 2010\ \ Meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm. Board Members present were Dave Zeemont, President; Steve Bailey, Secretary; Bob Crowley, Treasurer; Barbara Rose Farber and Larry Felhauer, Directors at Large.\ \ Also present were Tommy Etterling, Picacho Mountain; William Webber, Design Chair; Dave Wright, Gates Chair; and Dick Johnston, Design Committee.\ \ Bob Crowley, Treasurer, presented the Treasurer's report. There has not been very much action concerning bills, etc., since Bob has taken over as Treasurer (report attached.) Bob said he would like to look into the phone bill (phone at the two gates) to see if we could get some kind of break on it. The rebate from the water company (for the over payment for water over a year ago) has been received. The new budget for 2010, that is required since the 10% increase in the annual assessment failed at the General Meeting, is still in the works and should be ready for Board approval soon.\ \ Bob also reported on the progress of the Erosion Control Committee. Kelly is currently working on the (Association) pond at the Hanlon property. The land surrounding the pond has been re-contoured and rocks will be spread around the pond soon. Verbal approval has been received to enter the Kight property pond for bringing that pond up to standards. Kelly is awaiting written permission, then he will begin the work. Both ponds should be completed for under $6,000.\ \ A motion was made and seconded to accept the minutes of the January Board Meeting. Passed unanimously.\ \ Tommy Etterling, of Picacho Mountain Development, presented plans for constructing a walled surround for the proposed gas regulator near the corner of Barcelona Ridge and Anthem. The structure will be dug partly into the hillside so that only about four feet of wall will show on the north side of it. This regulator will keep the entire development at Picacho Hills and some future developments in safely regulated gas flow. There is another regulator near the bottom of the hill where Picacho and Fairway Village Drive meet. Erosion control measures for the top of Constitution Road (as a quid pro quo for the regulator easement) to be done by Picacho Mountain is still in the planning stages.\ \ Dave Zeemont announced that there would be a meeting on Tuesday with Jorge Granados (Dona Ana County) to discuss the possibility of a stop sign and other traffic control measures outside the Anthem gate where the mail boxes are located. (Information on that meeting will be sent in a separate email.)\ \ Dave Wright, Gates Chair, reported that all was well with the gates. The SOS boxes (whoop) are working; back up batteries are good, and all lights appear to be functioning now. Dave stated that now would be a good time to have the metal gates refurbished and painted. All four gates would be done as well as all of the pedestrian gates. Removing the gates would be required and the gates would be missing for about one week. Residents will be notified when the gates will be down. The Board voted unanimously to spend up to $2,000 for the procedure. Money was already available for this project.\ \ Recently, the gates had been pushed open again. Although no damage is done to the gate mechanism when this occurs, every time it happens it costs us a minimum of $86 to have the repairman come out and readjust the gates. To help negate this vandalism, security cameras have been purchased and will be attached to the gates.\ \ Barbara Rose Farber, Landscape Chair, led the discussion on the proposal to enlist volunteers for the "adopt an island" project. Although it sounds good on paper, the proposal is fraught with potential problems that the Board needs to help iron out. First off, there is the issue of liability. What happens if someone is injured or a car runs into them while they are working on an island? This question will be offered to our lawyer for advice. Most likely, waivers would have to be signed by each volunteer. Next, there is the problem of quality control. What standards will be expected, and how will they be encouraged? One island may get all kinds of attention while others might be neglected. It was suggested that names for all 25 islands, the entry gates, and Anthem Road should be in hand before considering reducing money to the current landscaping company. It was also pointed out that the landscaper repairs/replaces drip irrigation as needed and volunteers would have to keep the irrigation systems working. It was decided to wait until enough volunteers were gathered before implementing any replacement procedures. Anna Leunenberger is in charge of enlisting volunteers for this project.\ \ William Webber, Design Chair, noted that one homeowner had contacted him about doing some wall work around their house. He stated that there appeared to be no violation of the CC&Rs and would most likely approve it. William also wanted to remind everyone that, under the CC&Rs that we all agreed to, any physical changes to property should be run by the Design Committee for approval. Most items are approved easily; however, some residents have done work that may have to be removed or modified. It is much easier to go to the Design Committee first.\ \ Steve Bailey announced that a letter regarding on street parking violations had been sent to one resident. As a reminder, it is against the CC&Rs for anyone to park vehicles on the streets overnight in Coronado Ridge.\ \ With no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:50 pm.\ \ Respectfully submitted,\ Steve Bailey\ Secretary, CRNA\ \ February 9, 2010