December 14, 2009 Board Meeting Minutes
Board of Directors Meeting\ December 14, 2009
Meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm. Board Members present were Dave Zeemont, President; Mary Rita Chapman, Treasurer; Steve Bailey, Secretary; Larry Felhauer and Barbara Rose Farber, Members-at-Large.\ \ Also present were Dave Wright, Gates Chair; Lamar Harrison, Design Chair; Walter Scheiderich, Mailbox Relocation Chair; Bob Crowley, Erosion Control Chair; and William Webber, Mailbox Relocation Member.\ \ The minutes from the previous meeting, November 16, 2009, were approved.\ \ Mary Rita Chapman presented the Treasurer's Report (attached.) The report was approved.\ \ Dave Zeemont announced that the January General Membership Meeting will be held on Wednesday, January 27, 2010 at 6 pm at the Country Club.\ \ Dave Wright, Gates Chair, reported that someone had pushed open the gate at Anthem with their vehicle causing approximately $100 in damage. It was repaired immediately. Also, the lights in both kiosks have been repaired. Dave has instituted a monthly check of the SOS system and battery check for both gates to keep on top of things.\ \ Dave also mentioned that he was having trouble connecting with Tri C&D, the company we had contacted to discuss the possibility of sweeping the streets at Coronado Ridge. Considerable discussion was held concerning the pros and cons of having the street sweeping done. There was talk about delaying the sweeping question until more of the erosion control measures have been taken care of, and of the cost benefits of having the sweeping done monthly as opposed to quarterly, etc (it is cheaper over the year to do it monthly.) Finally, because this item would be a new budget item and would have to be approved by the General Membership anyway, it was decided to end discussion until the January General Membership Meeting.\ \ Because some questions were raised, the Board decided to open the street sweeping matter for discussion in the January meeting.\ \ Bob Crowley, Erosion Control Chair, stated that they were looking at doing some work on Association Ponds F and H (F is on the Young and Hanlon properties, H is across the street.) The ponds are unsightly and can be repaired with just a moderate amount of restructuring. These ponds are an eyesore to anyone who drives by and definitely are not good for the homeowners where the ponds are located. The work for these two ponds is already in the 2009 Budget and Bob is currently waiting to get signatures from the homeowners giving permission to enter their property. (According to the CC&Rs, even though these ponds (and others) are located on private property, they give benefit to the entire neighborhood and thus are the responsibility of the Association to assist in their care.) A couple other ponds needing help on the north border (at the ends of Academy and also Vintage) will require more money and expertise. The pond near the end of Academy threatens homes and may require an engineer's take on the situation before work can begin. Money for this (and other) projects will be requested at the General Membership Meeting.\ \ Bob reported that to drain the ponds regularly, we currently need to rent a pump at approximately $80 per day for about 5 or 6 days per draining session. He proposed that he could purchase a pump for approximately $700-800 and then we would have a pump for any time the ponds need draining. Pond draining is a health as well as a safety issue and should be done soon after the rains. In fact, County regulations state that ponds should be drained if they do not drain naturally. Since there is money in the 2009 Budget for the pump, the Board decided it was within the Committee Chair's power to purchase the pump with no further action from the Board.\ \ Bob also reported that some progress was being made on getting the property owners to repair their lots that have been dumping large quantities of dirt after each rain onto northern Sonnet Court. The Board agreed that if nothing is done soon, the Association will have to do the work for them and then bill them or place a lien on the property(s).\ \ The Board discussed at length the 2010 Budget and other items that will be presented at the January General Membership Meeting. A separate mailing of the entire agenda will be sent to all members and will not be covered here in these minutes.\ \ Barbara Rose Farber, Landscaping Chair, announced she was still waiting for a bid from Kelly Dickson regarding removal of large amounts of dirt following rain storms. Property owners will be billed for such work if it is determined that their property is to blame for the dirt. So far, all billings for dirt removal after storms have been paid.\ \ Lamar Harrison, Design Chair, mentioned that the Design Committee will have to decide on issues of solar heating installations. He reminded everyone that they must first notify the Design Control Committee prior to beginning such projects. One property owner was sent a letter stating that they had to defer to the rulings of the Design Control Committee, as stated in the CC&Rs. Lamar also announced that he would be stepping down as Chair following the January Meeting. Anyone interested in serving on the Design Control Committee should contact Steve Bailey (by hitting reply) or Dave Zeemont. William Webber, currently a Committee member, said he would be interested in serving as Chair. The newly elected President (in January) would have to appoint the replacement.\ \ Dave Zeemont announced that the lien on the Desert Sage property for back assessments may have to be removed. Pioneer Bank, who is involved in the repossession, filed a suit demanding we rescind our lien or face going to court. According to our lawyer, Pioneer Bank is entitled to this action due to the bankruptcy laws. His advice was that we would have to withdraw from the lien (approximately $600.)\ \ A motion to appoint Dave Zeemont as the official spokesperson of the Coronado Ridge Neighborhood Association in regards to the NMPRC case number 09-00397-UT proceedings was made and passed 5-0. This regards the ongoing water company case.\ \ Steve Bailey raised a question concerning money from the possible reduction for the pump station electricity bill. If PHUC takes responsibility for the bill starting in January, over $5,000 will be freed up from our budget. After a brief discussion, it was agreed that the matter would be reflected in the budget proposal for 2010 and could be voted upon then.\ \ Steve Bailey also made a request of the Landscaping Committee to prepare a detailed list of items that are involved in the monthly billing for landscaping with MC Landscaping and present it at the January meeting. Barbara Rose Farber agreed to do that.\ \ Steve Bailey, acting Nomination Committee Chair, announced that so far the nominees are: President, Dave Zeemont; Treasurer, Bob Crowley; and Member-at-Large, Larry Felhauer. Nominations can be made anytime to Steve Bailey up until the January Meeting or can also be made from the floor during the meeting. Ballots will be printed a couple weeks before the election, so if you want your name printed on it, get nominated now!\ \ A reminder that the full agenda for the January General Membership Meeting, which will be held Wednesday, January 27, 2010 at 6 pm at the Country Club, will be mailed out separately in a few days.\ \ Respectfully submitted,\ Steve Bailey\ CRNA Secretary\ December 15, 2009