October 19, 2009 Board Meeting Minutes

Board of Directors Meeting\ October 19, 2009\ \ Meeting was called to order at 6:32 pm. Board members present were Dave Zeemont, President; Mary Rita Chapman, Treasurer; Steve Bailey, Secretary; and Larry Felhauer, Director at Large. Also present were Dave Wright, Gates Chair and Lamar Harrison, Design Chair.\ \ The minutes from last meeting were approved.\ \ Mary Rita Chapman gave the Treasurer’s report (attached.) She reported that late payments are continuing to come in from assessments/special erosion assessments. There are still a very few people who have not paid. Liens will be placed on the properties that have not paid their special erosion assessments in November. Liens have already been placed for the few annual assessments that are late. One property sold this past month and the lien was collected at closing.\ \ Mary Rita asked that all budgets from the Committee Chairs be submitted at the next meeting to be held in November. This will be necessary to formulate a budget for 2010 and determine if we need additional funds or not. Dave Zeemont added that the electric bill for the water pumping station should end with the coming new year; however, Steve Blanco must initiate the request to El Paso Electric. Mr. Blanco has stated both to the Board and to the PRC that he intends to accept the charges beginning in 2010. This should result in a savings of approximately $500 per month.\ \ Lamar Harrison, Design Chair, had nothing to report from his Committee; however, he did mention that he would like to see a discussion of the Gates being closed all the time at the January meeting. A reminder of the Special Event code procedure will be sent out in a separate email for those planning on Holiday Parties this year.\ \ Dave Wright, Gates Chair, reported some pricey items concerning the gates. The emergency “whoop” computer board on the Barcellona Gate (which allows emergency vehicles to enter) was damaged by water infiltration and will cost approximately $500 to replace. This will be done immediately because of the safety issue. Each gate has battery back ups in case of electrical failure (total of four batteries.) One battery has failed and will cost about $600 to replace. The remaining three are currently working but have been operating for the past seven years. Replacement batteries (potential) will be entered into the 2010 budget for Gates.\ \ The fire hydrants at the upper end (West end) of Constitution have been cleared out. The wall surrounding the hydrant at the SW corner still needs repair but a bid has been accepted and work will begin shortly.\ \ Dave Zeemont reported that the Public Regulatory Commission will have a public meeting next Tuesday, October 27th at 6 pm at the County Building, 845 N. Motel Blvd., Room 113/117. Dave wasn’t sure what the agenda of the meeting would be, but he would like to have as many people as possible attend to show our solidarity. A separate reminder will be sent out to residents.\ \ Larry Felhauer raised a question about our legal representative and whether they have sufficient experience regarding homeowner associations. Larry received permission from the Board to research potential attorneys to represent the CRNA.\ \ Dave Zeemont will contact Bob Crowley and Kelly Dickson (Erosion Control Committee) and let them know to proceed with the draining of the ponds that still have water in them. This will involve the renting of a pump and a man to do the work.\ \ The January Meeting is rapidly approaching and we need volunteers for the Nominating Committee. The offices of President (Dave Zeemont,) Treasurer (Mary Rita Chapman,) and Director at Large (Larry Felhauer) will be up for election. If you want to volunteer for the Nominating Committee, please let me (Steve Bailey) know. Also, if you want to nominate someone, I will see to it that the Nominating Committee gets it.\ \ Larry Felhauer will look into contacting a volunteer(s) to help organize a Holiday Party in December. This annual event is completely self financed and does not come from CRNA funds.\ \ The next Board Meeting will be held Thursday, November 12th at 6:30 pm at Dave Zeemont’s house. If you have anything you wish to be placed on the agenda, please let me know.\ \ Meeting was adjourned at 7:55 pm.\ \ Respectfully submitted,\ Steve Bailey\ CRNA Secretary\ October 20, 2009