July 6, 2009 Board Meeting Minutes
Board of Directors Meeting\ July 6, 2009\ \ Meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm\ \ Board Members attending were Dave Zeemont, President; Mary Rita Chapman, Treasurer; Steve Bailey, Secretary; Larry Felhauer and Barbara Rose Farber, Directors at Large.\ \ Also in attendance were David Wright, Gates Chair; Kelly Dickson, Erosion Control Chair; Lamar Harrison, Design Chair; John Caldwell, Jill Johnson, David and Lynn Derksen, Greg and Kathy Switzer, Bob Crowley, Walt Scheiderich, and Judi Corona.\ \ Minutes from last meeting were approved unanimously.\ \ The Board of Directors had previously approved (via email) to spend $3500 for a concrete flume on a tributary flowing into Pond B, Tract C (Association property.)\ \ Mary Rita Chapman, Treasurer, presented the Treasurer’s report (attached.) The report also included an update of assessments paid. The annual assessment (due March 31, 2009) shows 8 unpaid for a percentage of 94% and the special assessment (due June 30, 2009) has 22 unpaid which is about 83%. Liens for the annual assessments are in the process of being attached to the unpaid properties. A little more time has been allowed for the special assessments to be paid. The Treasurer’s report was approved.\ \ A special thank you goes out to Fred Reinhardt, who took the responsibility upon himself to prime and paint all of the new water overflow pipes that were recently installed. Fred, you did a great job and the pipes and the members thank you.\ \ The recent storm produced some dirt on the streets from under-protected properties. The amount was greatly reduced compared to the last big storm. Barbara Rose Farber was directed to have Marco clean up the mess and to separate time and equipment for each offender so that they can be separately billed.\ \ Considerable discussion was held on the planned merging of two lots (112 and 113.) The Design Committee had previously approved the building plan to add 3 garages on the left side of the existing house contingent upon the ETZ approving the lot merger. The city has the responsibility to decide on the merging because we are within the ETZ. According to the Design Committee, the change in the building plans does not block anyone’s view and conforms to the guidelines of the CRNA and the CC&Rs. It was also noted that the building pads on the lots are contiguous such that replatting will result in a single larger building pad.\ \ Discussion centered a great deal on what the Board could do in either approving or denying the merger. The CC&Rs make it quite clear that the Board does not have the power to overturn a decision made by the Design Committee, which is an independent group within the CRNA. Because of this, the Board took no action one way or the other concerning the proposed merger. One motion to deny the proposal was not seconded and therefore could not be voted upon. A motion was made and passed that in the eyes of the CRNA, the two lots remain separate and will continue to be billed as separate lots for the purposes of annual assessments, special assessments or any other such related items. In keeping with the CC&Rs, the owner of the two lots will also have two votes.\ \ Walt Scheiderich, Chair of the Mailbox Relocation Committee, presented his report (attached.) The Committee’s report stated various solutions to the problem of moving the mailboxes along with their recommendations for each proposal. The Board decided that plan #10 was the most doable of the suggestions made. Walt was directed to look further into this proposal and was authorized to spend money for a survey point so that Kelly Dickson could help figure out what dirt and concrete would be needed.\ \ Dave Wright, Gates Chair, reported that currently “all is well” with the gates. The Board thanked Dave and Larry Felhauer for their work in making the gate closures smooth with few problems. Please remember that if you are having a big party or similar occasion, let Dave know so he can issue you a code for all of your guests. The code will only be activated for the hours you request.\ \ Barbara Rose Farber, Landscaping Chair, stated that she was still working on a list of homeowners (and lot owners) who are not in compliance with the CC&Rs concerning weeds, etc. She will present the list at the next Board of Directors meeting.\ \ Larry Felhauer presented the following two motions to the Board. Both were passed unanimously:\ 1. I move that all future CRNA Board meetings be conducted on the basis of a prepared agenda, such agenda to be completed and distributed to the Board and all residents via email by the Secretary no later than 48 hours prior to the stated time of the meeting. Such agenda shall at a minimum consist of the previous meeting’s minutes, Treasurer’s report, standing committee reports, a listing of any old business requiring Board action, and a listing of any new business to come before the Board. Persons submitting motions for the Board should, whenever possible, present them in writing to be included with the agenda.\ 2. I move that while persons other than Board members and standing committee chairs are welcome to attend Board meetings, their participation shall be limited to resident input times designated by the Chair with approval of a majority of the Board. This will allow for participation and input by residents while maintaining better order and efficiency in the meetings.\ \ It was further agreed by all the Board members that the scheduled monthly meetings will no longer be referred to as “work sessions” since this was an old term used when first forming the community association. Future meetings will be referred to as Board of Directors Meetings.\ \ The next Board of Directors Meeting will be held August 10th at 6:30 pm at Dave Zeemont’s house.\ \ Meeting was adjourned at 8:30 pm.\ \ Respectfully submitted,\ Steve Bailey\ Secretary CRNA\ July 9, 2009