Jan 17, 2018 Annual Membership Minutes
President, Dave Zeemont called the meeting to order at 6:02 p.m
Present were: President, Dave Zeemont; Secretary, Debbie McAllen; Director at Large, Dave Wright; and Director at Large, Ginger Dickson
Confirmation of a Quorum: We had 43 residents and 22 proxies. It was determined we had a quorum to hold the CRNA Annual meeting
President's Welcome: President, Dave Zeemont welcomed everyone and introduced the current board members and the members serving on the Gate, Landscaping, Design Control, Web, and Covenant Committees. He neglected to mention Judy Lubeck as the Welcoming Chair
Selection of volunteers to count Ballots. President, Dave Zeemont asked Anna Leuenberger, Judy Corona and Sandy Asher-Camden to count the ballots. He thanked Jan Thune for registering residents in to determine quorum
Ronnie Wright, our Audit Chair was unable to attend the meeting to give the Audit Report
Treasurer's Report: Bob Crowley was not present so no financials were presented. President Zeemont stated everyone should have received the proposed 2018 budget electronically. There will be no increase in our assessments and all assessments have been paid for 2017. He stated that we were going to defer the treasurer's and audit report at this time
He asked if anyone had any questions
• Rex Ball asked "We were scheduled to repave the second phase roads this past year and why wasn't this done"?
Dave Wright explained we had a bid from the contractor for one phase and two phases. It was late in the year and we would save about $3000 by doing both phases at the same time. The bid came it at $63,000 as opposed to $33,000 individually. So the decision was to do Phase I and II together the first part of this year around in April
Committee Reports:
• *Gates:** Al Shawala has been in negotiations with Smith and Aguirre Construction and they came in a shade lower than their original bid. April is the month they plan on starting for the repaving. Al went up to look at Phase III and we have quite a few new cracks (not due from the resealing but with the construction of the roads to start with) and should we opt to reseal those cracks as well as Phase I and II he will contact the Board for additional funds of $5000. The gates seem to be working well at the present moment. Most of the accident damage has been repaired by the Barcelona gate and what is left should be repaired next week. We talked about putting live cameras at each of the gates
Dave Zeemont explained he has been in contact with the insurance company for the truck that struck the gate. The electronics have already been fixed. It was harder to find a company to do the masonry repair but that should be done next week. In terms of the cameras, Apex Technologies that handle our gates and hardware are working on a quote for cameras at each gate and a camera aimed towards the mailboxes
• Landscaping: Carrie Gaddy stated she thought that the improvements speak for themselves. Almost done with the work along Anthem, a couple of Cul-de- sacs need to be redone, and the fountain will be plastered next week and ready to go
- Anna Leuenberger asked if there would be any sensors on the water? i.e. Worried that the wind would blow the water and leave the fountain dry, causing it to malfunction
• Greg Switzer asked if our Board could send a notice to the Picacho Mountain and asks them to observe the three-way traffic by the mailboxes
• Karen Sherrouse complained about the keys not working well at the mailboxes and it was determined that residents need to complain to the post office
It was recommended that you also spray the key and lock with a lubricant, such as WD40
• Judy Corona wanted to know what was being done with the landscaping along Barcelona and the back gate. She would like to see something done this year on the weed control
Carrie Gaddy explained that we started with a new landscaping company in January and there were almost three months where we didn't have a landscaping company at all. We are addressing this
• Erosion: No report
• Design Control: No report
• Covenant Chair: Steve Bailey explained the voting process
- Item 1: He first opened up the nominations for two available positions. One as President, the other as Director at Large
Jack Hokkanen nominated Debbie McAllen as President
- Item 2: Director at Large there is two candidates. Dave Wright and Gwenda McClure. Steve asked each candidate to give a small speech
Sonny Mayer nominated Al Shawala as Director at Large
- Item 3: Article VI RESTRICTIONS ON RESIDENTIAL LOTS Parking and storage of Vehicle. 2a. Remove "or personal vehicles" in the first sentence. 2b. Replace "shall" with "should". Add, "Off road type vehicles must be parked in a garage overnight and when not in use. No vehicles may be parked on landscaped areas or natural areas at any time. No vehicles shall be worked on or "serviced" unless inside a garage". Add, "Recreational vehicles including campers and RVs may not be parked on the street or common areas except when the resident is present and is actively loading or unloading the vehicle. After loading or unloading, vehicle must either be placed in the driveway, garage, or commercially stored. Caution signs must be placed while on the street. At no time shall such vehicle be parked in the street after dark
Bobbie Hettinga interpreted "after loading or unloading, vehicle must either be placed in the driveway, garage, or commercially stored" as "it can be stored in your driveway"
Steve explained the remainder of the RVs covenant states it can only be there for 72 hours. This time restriction is still in place
Michael Davis suggested voting against this Item. He explained that he has lived here for two đ years and some of the residents he has seen have a three-car garage and yet not one day has one of their cars used their garage. He stated he can't say that that view is ruining his view but it looks like a car lot. He would like to suggest, that those that feel like he does to vote against this and maybe next year we can add an amendment to put a limit on the number of cars allowed in the driveway
Steve Bailey stated that it is impossible to enforce. He has been living here for eleven years, on the board for ten years, and we have never come up with a solution for cars outside the driveways that is reasonable for everyone
- Item 4: Gives the Board the permission to expand the Board to 7 as oppose to 5. This allows more volunteers to step forward in being on the Board
Greg Switzer disagreed with this item. It feels that if passed, this would allow the board to appoint 2 new board members to fill two positions for this year, rather having them nominated and voted on by the Association members"
Dave Zeemont explained he felt since there were enough people willing to serve Coronado Ridge that we needed to expand the Board. As in the case of this evening, we were down four members rather that five. He also felt you would have two more opinions instead of five
- Item 5: This proposal simply removes the sentence fragment and does not change the meaning
Greg Switzer asked for an explanation of Article VIII, paragraph 2, "Except for the provisions dealing with the Design Controls, the annual assessments, and the maintenance and repair of the Common Areas, all of which provision shall not be altered, etc…
Steve Bailey explained you can't change the Design Controls. The CC&Rs were a poor system and were given to CRNA by Moscato. This is something we can't touch for good reasons. I.e., someone buys property with a nice view and all of a sudden they want to go and build a two story rather than one, the house blocks the view from existing neighboring homes. You can't change the maintenance of the roads. The annual assessment is held at 10% increase
The Design Controls have separate Covenants of their own called Design Controls for the Coronado Ridge Subdivision
Ginger Dickson tried to explain giving the example of trees couldn't be over 14 or 20 feet tall. These kinds of things we can't change. The things being proposed to change are restrictions and not Design Control
Kelly Dickson explained one is Design Controls - which are these heights and measurements and lot sizes and the other is Design Control Committee and what the power it has. The one you can't make two story houses under Design Controls section of the CC&Rs and the other is to make a Design Control Committee. The Design Control is under covenant and the Design Control Committee is a regulation or By-law
Greg Switzer suggested spending money with an attorney to clarify this. He thinks it up to interpretation and that's what has gotten us into trouble around here in the last three years. It's always someone's thoughts, opinions, views, it's not your views, and it is all interpretation
Ginger Dickson clarified at the beginning of the covenants it reads "Declaration of Protective Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions of the Coronado Ridge Subdivision". The next big section is the "Design Controls for the Coronado Ridge Subdivision". This is where you cannot change the Design Controls. After the Design Controls are the By-laws. We are proposing changes within the By-laws. Greg Switzer pointed out that we were proposing changes in the CC&R's. That is what is confusing
Dave Zeemont explained that some of these things on the ballot we are attempting to amend are on the CC&Rs. If someone puts forth an amendment or an article to be voted by the members here, we have no way to say ,"No this isn't right". We have presented these ten items because the Board has no power. There is no way the Board can act on something before it is presented
Kelly Dickson stated that the Design Control Committee interprets what they think but one of the re-writes attempts to allow the residents to appeal it whether you are for or against the Design Control Committee decision
Judy Corona suggested that next year the Board should have a CC&R Committee
Item 6: Larry Felhauer proposed the first Saturday of May, in each year shall be set aside for a community garage sale. Sale hours will be 9am to 5 pm, during which hours the community gates will be opened. Gates will not be opened prior to 9 am and all sales will terminate promptly at 5 pm
Item 7: Allowing homeowners a one-time only opportunity to have a professional estate sale
Item 8: Ginger Dickson proposed a re-write to make it easier to read. It deletes the sentence "The Board of Directors may not approve a variance that the Design Committee has disallowed". The original CC&Rs were developed by a Developer to protect the Developer. Now the neighborhood is built up and it seems that it should be written such that it promotes the rights of the residents. Adding an addition allowing the Board to provide all homeowners equal opportunity for appeals and due process regarding decisions made by the Design Control Committee that are believed to inconsistent with the CC&Rs. The intent for the proposal is to provide a "standardized" process to be followed in the event someone does want to appeal with cause decisions that are made by the Design Control Committee. It requires the appeals to be warranted, demonstrate their compliance with the CC&Rs and it provides timelines for the appeal process. The intent is to distribute power to all residents and provide due process equally for all of us. Whether it is in favor of something or against it
Steve Bailey stated the original CC&Rs gave the Design Control Committee separate power. The Board of Directors had no power over them. So this
Committee of Three could go unchecked. In 2014, they decided to narrow their scope of power so that it was more representative of the people. As part of the change, we put in the Board could not override a negative finding the Design Control Committee had done. By doing that, we eliminated the right for residents to appeal. It was inadvertent and needs to come out
Dave Zeemont added the original CC&Rs were written by the developer. The developer was the original Design Control Committee. So these gave the Design Control Committee the ultimate power because it was developer driven
Carolyn Piirto stated it seems that this one is designed to address issues between a resident who is seeking approval of something and the Committee and the Board who may have the power to say yea or nay on that. Where is the protection of surrounding neighbors who might have something to say? Steve Bailey stated the process is covered already in the CC&Rs
Ginger Dickson stated that a surrounding neighbor could be one of the people who are voicing a concern. It could be anyone who has an issue with a recent decision. It wouldn't have to be the person involved
Kathy Switzer stated that there needs to be a process or procedure for the Design Control Committee to follow
Steve Bailey is going to make a checklist or guideline for the Design Control Committee to follow. He will form a committee to work on this and present it at the next annual meeting or a special meeting
Item 9: Gives permission to the CC& R Committee to make any changes to correct any typos, grammatical errors, sequence of numbers, and readability issues
Item 10: Steve Bailey stated it split into 4 parts. Number one, may be a good idea but they are attempting to change civil law. Number two, tries to change the Design Controls, which, is in violation of CC&Rs. Number three, makes reference to "above paragraph" which doesn't exist. Number four, attempts to change liabilities in violation of CC&Rs
Resident, Bob Thune spoke to the members informing them of the decision Design Control made on the approval of their neighbors home, not being notified of the construction and how it blocked their view of Picacho Mountain
President's Business: Nothing additional.
Announcement of Preliminary Voting Results:
Board of Directors: Dave Zeemont, President 38 votes for Dave, 15 votes for Debbie, ! vote for Al
Board of Directors: Gwenda McClure, Director at Large 25 votes for Gwen, 20 votes for Dave Wright and 13 votes for Al
Parking of Vehicles: Failed 33 Yes and 24 No
Increase the Board from 5 members to 7 members: Failed. 24 Yes and 33 No
Removing the sentence fragment in Article IV, Design Control: Passed 42 Yes and 16 No
Garage Sales: Passed 38 Yes and 19 No
Estate Sales: Passed 46 Yes and 11 No
Giving all residents, the opportunity to appeal to the Board on a decision made by the Design Control Committee: Passed 36 Yes and 20 No
Allowing CC& R Committee to make any changes to correct any typos, grammatical errors, sequence of numbers, and readability issues: Passed 40 Yes and 15 No
10a. After 1/17/18, any board claimed "precedent", "interpretation", or term of similar meaning, will NOT become legally binding until such time that it is voted on and approved by the association members for written inclusion in the filed covenants as law & thus become publically disclosed to all association members. Failed Yes and 45 No
10b. Any construction or landscaping which exceed 7 feet in height and which require a county permit before construction begins, require the written approval of the lot owners on each adjacent side of that home should those new additions block any portion of those neighbor's existing views. Failed Yes and 47 No
10c. After 1/17/18, in case of new home construction, where a variance is applied for where that construction if off the designated building pad, the side lot homeowner gives written approval for construction. Failed Yes 47 No
10d. After 1/17/18, all attorney fees for both parties are reimbursed by the association: Failed 1 Yes and 56 No
Meeting was adjourned approximately at 9:45 p.m.
Submitted by Debbie McAllen, Secretary