Jan 24, 2017 Annual Membership Minutes
President, Dave Zeemont called the meeting to order at 6:02 p.m.
Present were: President, Dave Zeemont, Secretary, Debbie McAllen; Director at Large, Larry Felhauer; and Director at Large, Dave Wright.
President’s Welcome: President, Dave Zeemont welcomed everyone and introduced the current board members and the incoming board members. He acknowledged Steve Bailey for his 12 years of service and Larry Felhauer for his 8 years of service. He acknowledged Candis Stern on the passing of her husband, Helmut with a memorial service set sometime in March. He also mentioned the passing of CRNA former treasurer Mary Rita Chapman. A memorial service for Mary Rita will be held on February 11, 2017 from 3:00 – 5:00 pm at the Picacho Hills Country Club. President Zeemont requested if anyone had a comment or concern to please identify him or her when taking the floor.
Gates: Gate Chair, Dave Wright reported filing an insurance claim to repair the $3850.00 damage to the Anthem gate. Our out of pocket expense from this accident is our $500.00 deductible. He explained the process of how the anemometer at the Anthem gate has been working wonderfully in opening the gate when wind gusts are 25 mph and above.
Resident, Sandy Camden announced that Sunday, January 29th will be an Open House from 1 – 4 pm and requested the gates be open during that time.
Resident, Terry McGreehan questioned about the remote control antennae being moved from the back to the front of the receiver at the Anthem gate and still having trouble opening the gate with his remote or car receiver. Larry Felhauer explained that they are still looking into the problem and believes it could be a problem with the cable running from the receiver to the antennae. If that doesn’t appear to fix the problem, we will need to look into replacing the receiver.
Resident, Michael Davis asked if the problem could possibly be old equipment such as the clicker.
Resident, Rex Ball inquired about the video cameras at the gate. It was stated that they are not operational.
Resident, Anna Leuenberger stated having video cameras operational at the gates could be beneficial. The technology has gotten better, prices have gotten better and can be monitored by your phone. Larry Felhauer replied that you needed to have an Internet connection at the gate to make the cameras operational and we didn’t have a connection at the gate. The easiest and simplest way would be to put a static receiver in there so that that the cameras record on a device that’s located in the kiosk, and should a problem occur at the gate, you can go and pull the chip out and review it on the computer.
Resident, Lee Peters spoke about having problems hearing people when they call from the gate or them hearing him. President, Zeemont explained how to operate the keypad at the gate. Press 9 to allow people to enter and # to keep them out.
Resident, Sandy Camden questioned if we should look into having the cameras set up at the gate, could it be helpful in monitoring the mailbox break-ins. Larry Felhauer stated that in theory the cameras would help.
Dave Zeemont stated in the future we would look into getting our gates to work better and installing cameras at the gates.
Resident, Judith Miller is concerned about the curb by the mailboxes and it being too high for safety. Dave Zeemont stated that Anthem road is a county road but he will write a letter petitioning them to see about cutting the curb to make it ADA compliant if everyone agreed upon it. He also stated about putting small gravel down on the east side of Anthem road to make it easier for the walkers. We couldn’t put in a walking path but where the water company is putting in the new piping and taking plants out perhaps putting small gravel will eliminate people having to walk in the street.
President, Dave Zeemont called upon Secretary, Debbie McAllen to see if we had a quorum. It was confirmed we had 50 people including the proxies.
Dave asked for three volunteers to count the votes later and Judi Corona, Kathy Mayer and Anna Luenberger volunteered. He thanked Jan Thune for signing everyone into the meeting.
Steve Bailey, Nominations Chair, conducted the elections. Two Board positions were on the ballot with a nominee for each position. Steve asked for further nominations, Steve asked for a motion to close nominations and another motion for election by acclamation.
Terry McGreehan motioned, seconded by Dave Wright to accept Debbie McAllen as Secretary. Elected by acclimation. All answered Aye. Motion passed.
Rex Ball motioned, seconded by Anna Leuenberger to accept Ginger Dickson as Director at Large. Elected by acclimation. All answered Aye. Motion passed.
Rebecca Reyes, Director of Membership from Picacho Hills Country Club, described a limited social membership called 50/50/5. For a limited time, Picacho Hills Country Club is offering a Limited Social Membership for $50.00 monthly dues/$50.00 food and beverage minimum/through the 5th Month of 2017. You must be a member of Picacho Hills Homeowners Association to take part. This allows you to dine, attend weekly Pub night, cocktail therapy, monthly wine dinners, Valentine’s, Easter and Mother’s day brunch at the club. Dave Zeemont acknowledged Coronado Ridge subdivision on supporting the club.
Proposed Budget for 2017: Robert Crowley, Treasurer was not present to give report. Dave Zeemont spoke on his behalf.
In our By-Laws the board is allowed to increase the dues by 10% each year if given 30-day notice. There will be no change in our assessment structure.
We are 100% in our dues collection.
William Webber, Design Control Chairman reported there are seven lots out of 127 that are not built on.
Miscellaneous Income - Resident, Sandy Camden suggested the CRNA request a fee for filling out the paperwork needed for HOA closing. As real estate is sold, you have to register to homeowners an HOA form to the buyer, supply a copy of our CRNA and certain items of the budget.
Jack Hokkanen motioned, Judi Corona seconded to put this item on the agenda for next year’s annual meeting to ask a fee to fill out the paperwork needed for HOA closing. 14 Ayes. Motioned carried.
Drainage. We have spent over $100,000 on improving drainage in the past.
Road Reserve – Larry Felhauer, Road Chairman reported Phase II roads would be resurfaced. We finished Phase III last year. We do one Phase at a time, but we keep a reserve rolling over so we have a reserve always there.
Resident, Penley Leonard stated they are still carrying black onto their driveway from the resurfacing and inquired if anyone else was having a similar problem.
Larry Felhauer will look into it.
Webmeister: Kathy Mayer mentioned that our CRNA website has been hacked and contacted service to have it fixed. The Board has decided to upgrade the website since it has been duct taped together since 2008 when problems occurred. Coronado Ridge website has information on who the Board Members are, Covenants/Bylaws, Announcements, Points of Contact, Meeting minutes, and gate information. Magnets were available with this information after the meeting for members to put on their refrigerator. If you were unable to attend the meeting, please contact Kathy Mayer at [This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.]{#cloak8f3a8f268687b731a38b1e681e2692e7}
and she will make sure you receive a magnet.
Insurance has stayed the same.
Landscaping - Carrie Gaddy, Landscaping Chair was not present but sent a report that the Anthem strip, Regency North and Island Court island will be redone. Some rock at the Anthem gate will be added and she is working on getting the fountain functioning again.
Resident, Penley Leonard requested several times over the years to have plants trimmed and taken out at the end of Anthem( Southbound) towards Barcelona. You potentially enter into oncoming traffic just to see if you can pull out to make a left hand turn.
Resident, Judi Corona understands why we have Landscape/Maintenance repair. The Improvements however is another story. For example, they just did Vintage Court and they took out beautiful cacti from island and she doesn’t understand taking out plants that are thriving and not needing water and putting other ones in. Steve Bailey gave the explanation that the cacti that was removed were Ochoa’s and the landscaper crew asked to remove them because when working in the islands, they were getting stuck and the Ochoa’s were attaching on to the workers as they were working.
Report of Audit: Karen Sherrouse, Audit Chair presented the audit report. Everything was in order. There were two recommendations to the Board directly.
Long standing accounts receivable with Picacho Mountain with the rocking and improvements we did on the extreme west side of Constitution a number of years ago at the expense of $13,000. That has been carried forward as an account receivable which would be paid when Picacho Mountain came to put in a booster station for the gas works. We have given them an easement. Picacho Mountain is still in a construction phase, the easement has not been used, its not that it won’t be used, but not sure. Ronnie Wright requested a permanent file made on the accounting end so the Board had a history.
The Board never authorized Treasurer, Robert Crowley to make electronic payments on behalf of CRNA. The Board will research previous minutes from three years ago to see if it was passed and look into the By-laws.
President Zeemont discussed the issue of dogs and their fecal matter. He reminded residents to please pick up after their pets and they should all be leashed when walking and not running free. Landscaping Chair, Carry Gaddy is on a mission and does have pictures of dogs roaming without leashes on and running free. Dave Zeemont will be contacting that homeowner regarding the dogs running loose. Resident, Judi Corona contacted Picacho Hills Homeowners Association and they also are having problems like this in their subdivision and will be putting an article out in their next newsletter reminding everyone to pick up after their pets. Dave Zeemont also talked about light pollution. Our CRNA covenants ask residents to reduce the wattage of their nighttime lights etc. and two residents were in non-compliance with the reduction of wattage and having spotlights. He has written to one previously and they have done some reduction and will personally contact the other resident. Please evaluate your own light situation at your residence. Dave Wright and Dave Zeemont went on a light patrol, writing down addresses for those who may not be in compliance.
Resident, Terry McGreehan inquired if any residents were having problems with bobcats in the area other than Barbara Rose Farber.
Resident, Steve Bailey inquired about Our Village, which was to help out senior residents of Picacho Hills. Dave Zeemont explained that the program didn’t go forward because of complications, couldn’t sustain people, and the head of the organization moved from Las Cruces.
Resident, Penley Leonard had a question regarding the definition of View as agreed upon by the Board or the Design Committee. She is concerned about the wording definition recognizing the Organ Mountains views. Another concern was adding on to our home i.e. Lanai, which could extend beyond the building site. This could jeopardize all views of the Picacho Mountain. Steve Bailey replied that he spoke with Moscato personally and he stated that he only protected the view of the Organ Mountains. That was the only view mentioned. Penley Leonard motioned to readdress the definition of View to include Picacho Mountain. Steve Bailey suggested the Board sit down with the Design Committee to come up with a definition that works for everyone that would protect the Organ Mountains and Picacho Mountain. This change to the CRNA covenants if possible would need to be brought up next year at the annual meeting.
Resident, Jan Thune addressed their block view of Picacho Mountain. She expressed her grievance of the Board and Design Committee. She and her husband Bob will be sending a letter to each of the property owners of Coronado Ridge stating and showing what has happened to them. She stated Covenant Article 1 – protection of all views, natural beauty and landscaping. She is going to proceed with the District Attorney.
The next meeting of the Board will be held on Monday, February 13, 2017 at 4:30 p.m. at 1236 Regency Court. All are welcome; however, always check with the Secretary to make sure the meeting date has not been changed due to schedule conflicts.
Larry Felhauer motioned to adjourn, seconded by David Wright. All were in favor.
Meeting was adjourned at 7:36 p.m.
Submitted by Debbie McAllen, Secretary