Jan 26, 2016 Annual Membership Minutes

Steve Bailey, Secretary, confirmed that there was a quorum present.

Dave Zeemont, President, called the meeting to order at 6:10 pm. Dave welcomed everyone and introduced the Board of Directors.

Dave asked for volunteers to count the votes later and Debbie McAllen, Kathy Meyer, and Anna Luenberger volunteered.

Bob Crowley, Treasurer, presented the Treasurer’s report along with the proposed budget for 2016. Bob went over nearly every item along with explanations. It was pointed out that the proposed budget was not something that needed a vote; however, members will be voting on the money that will be required to meet the budget.

There was a question from the floor asking if we could consider adding another light to the end of the mailboxes so that the far end would receive better light. Larry Felhauer, who had previously volunteered to acquire and install the lights, said he would look into it.

Dave Zeemont briefly explained the foreclosure procedure that occasionally occurs for CR properties and how the banks file suit to eliminate our claims to any assessments due. Once a bank has gained possession, they are required to pay assessments from the time of possession and keep them current.

Megan Gertes, from the Country Club organization, described how the restaurant is researching some possible changes to their membership requirements so that use of the restaurant might expand its customer base. She explained that a couple neighborhoods (CR included) had been selected to receive a survey on the residents’ thoughts. Because the CRNA closely guards our members’ privacy and will not give out email addresses, etc., Steve Bailey agreed to distribute the survey through the CR email name.

Debbie McAllen gave a presentation of an organization based on the idea of how a “Village” would work together to help out our senior residents. This national movement is attempting to get started here in Las Cruces, and specifically in Picacho Hills. The idea is that the organization will vet different services, such as yard work, changing light bulbs in high ceilings, smoke detector battery installation, and other such items that might be difficult for some of us as we grow older. There are also retired nurses who will come to the home to assess what needs to be done to help. This vetting will include reliability and price checking so that no one is taken advantage of. These services are not provided for free; however, prices charged by selected workers will be kept in line by the group. Debbie stated that she will be sending out emails seeking volunteers to help, service providers, and those in need of some help. People who volunteer to drive selected seniors to places, such as doctors’ appointments, will be covered by the group’s insurance.

Ronnie Wright, Audit Chair, presented the annual audit report. Ronnie spoke of her many years as a bank auditor to explain her credentials. Everything was in order with the exception of two checks written for over $5,000. Board policy states that any check written for over $5,000 requires two signatures or, if done by electronic banking, that an explanation be given and written approval given by at least one other authorized check signers. With the checks in question, one check was written for several months of pre-authorized expenditures, so instead of writing individual checks for each one, a single check was written. With the other item, the total work done was below the $5,000 threshold, but when tax was added, it exceeded that amount. These were the reasons, not excuses. Care will be taken to make sure all future check writing and banking will follow the guidelines. It was further noted, and made Board policy, that any Committee Chairs whose expenses are about to go over their assigned budget dollars, must approach the Board either via email or in writing for permission to go over budget.

Bob Crowley, Drainage and Erosion Chair, stated that the last year experienced a lot of water (rain) and that water did cause a few problems. The problems mainly were dirt on the street coming off of member lots. The Committee arranged to have the streets cleaned up as best they could and the property owners were billed for the expenses. Bob stated that failure to pay these expenses would result in liens being placed on the properties, in accordance with the CC&Rs. Steve Bailey also noted that fines could be levied for failure to take the necessary measures needed to stop the flow of dirt/silt from entering the roads. Liens could also be levied if these monthly fines are ignored. Bob commended a group of four neighbors who worked together to solve a major drainage problem that involved all four lots and that has eliminated a major drainage problem onto our streets.

Bob stated that pond capacities were good and the overflows worked well as needed. Drainage areas are all stable.

Larry Felhauer, Streets Chair, noted that it is time to treat the streets again. He is looking into some different solutions to the problem and will be getting bids on different processes. He will report back when the results are in.

There was a large discussion concerning the possibility of moving the mailboxes inside the gates. The Board had looked into this a few years back and found that there was only one place that would be feasible, at the top of the ponding area near the southern intersection of Sonnet and Constitution. Estimates at that time was around $15,000 to do the concrete and grading, plus building a protective wall. This proposal was voted down by the members.

Kelly Dickson said it could be much less if no wall was built. No consensus of opinion could be found, so Steve Bailey agreed to send out a questionnaire regarding the movement of the boxes and see what the members all think. Interest in moving the boxes was revived in response to a couple packages that were stolen from the present location during the holidays and also the possibility of danger from people ignoring the stop signs and of people not being careful when getting out of their cars. Some cars continue to leave doors wide open when residents go to retrieve their mail.

The Landscaping Chair was not present, but the Board reported that the proposed increase in the annual assessment would help continue the improvements already made and will help to keep them in good shape. The proposed increase has been listed in the proposed budget under landscaping, but it was made clear that the money was not obligated to just landscaping.

The water company will be installing new water lines along the eastern side of Anthem which will involve the landscaping along that patch of roadway. The water company stated that they would replace the rocks where they have to dig and would take care and replace the drip system. However, they cannot take responsibility for any plants. We will be responsible for removing plants if we want to save them and then replant them later.

It was noted that Coronado Ridge does not own the land in the center of Anthem or the land to the east of Anthem, even though we voluntarily keep up the landscaping/vegetation along these County-owned lands. A question from the floor asked why we put all our efforts in Anthem and provide nothing along Barcelona, which we do own. That question will be addressed by the Board in a future Board meeting.

Dave Wright, Gates Chair, reported that, for the most part, the gates were working fine. The Board recently approved the installation of all new software/hardware for the emergency vehicles to enter more reliably. The new software allows for a much shorter time for the siren “whoops” to open the gate. Signs were also placed on the gates reminding first responders that they must enter the # sign before entering the emergency code (a common mistake.)

Preventative maintenance continues on the gates to (hopefully) prevent sudden breakdowns and more expensive repairs via Apex. The gate structures have recently been repaired and repainted, although there are a few touchups that need to be made on Barcelona Gateway. Soon all of the metal gates will be removed, repaired if needed, prepped for painting, painted, and re-installed. It has been over 6 years since they were last repaired/re-painted.

A short discussion was held on the hit and miss opening of the Anthem gate. Members should realize that the gate clickers sometimes will not work if you drive too close to the gate before pushing the button. For best results, start pushing the button when you approach the kiosk and hold it down until the gate opens. Dave will be looking into whether there is something we can do (or install) to make the receivers more sensitive.

Steve Bailey, Nominations Chair, conducted the elections. Three Board positions were on the ballot with a nominee for each position. Steve asked for further nominations for each position, and there were none. After each position had no further nominations, Steve asked for a motion to close nominations and another motion for election by acclamation. All three positions were elected by acclamation. Steve also explained the one financial decision of the ballot, to increase the annual assessment by 10%, or $50. It was explained that the one year special assessment voted on last year for $50 had expired so that the total due this year would not increase from last year. Total assessment would be $550 again this year. Members may pay the entire assessment now or half ($275) on or before March 31, 2016 and the other half ($275) on or before June 30, 2016. Any payments after that may result in late fees and penalties and possibly liens on property.

Time was given for votes to be cast. The vote counters reported that the increase in annual assessment of 10% passed by a vote of 53-13, or slightly more than 80%. A vote of 66.67% is required to pass a financial question.

Board of Directors meetings are usually held the 2nd Monday of each month at 4:30 pm at 1236 Regency Court. All meetings are open to all members. Please be sure to check with the Secretary if you plan to attend because occasionally meeting times/dates are changed to accommodate schedules.

With no further business, the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,\ Steve Bailey, Secretary\ 575-520-0668\ February 14, 2016