Jan 30, 2015 Annual Membership Minutes

Steve Bailey, Secretary, declared that a quorum was present (60 members.)

Meeting was called to order at 6:05 pm.

Dave Zeemont welcomed everyone to the meeting and specifically welcomed newcomers of the past year. He asked each new member to introduce themselves.

Bob Crowley, Treasurer, presented the financial report for 2014 (same report that was attached with January meeting minutes.) He went over all the amounts of money we spent and stated that three properties were in foreclosure and had not paid the 2014 assessments. A brief discussion was held regarding our inability to place liens on properties on foreclosed properties. The Board had asked for legal advice on the matter and were told that, in New Mexico, a lien could not be placed on a foreclosed property. Apparently the banks had that law inserted.

Bob pointed out that we now have to file with both the state and county now because we are a HOA. The fee is $10.

Bob also went over the proposed budget for 2015 which will be subject to the approval of two financial items to be voted on later.

Richard Corona, volunteer for the Audit Committee, presented the report on the annual audit of the CRNA finances and stated that no problems were discovered.

Carrie Gaddy, Landscaping Chair, told the group of the plans the Landscaping Committee had for the coming year which will include working on most, if not all, of the 22 islands throughout the subdivision. Many of the islands need rocks to replace the crusher fines originally put down over 10 years ago. Desert friendly plants will be added to islands where needed and other landscaping will be done as needed. The mailbox project, which was started in 2014, will be finished off this year. There are other smaller projects planned throughout the area. The Special Assessment of $50 to be voted on later will be marked exclusively for the Landscaping projects.

Bob Crowley reported on the progress of the Erosion and Drainage Control Committee to continue mitigating erosion problems of a few remaining land owners. He stated that most property owners are cooperating fully, while a couple are still resisting. New construction currently taking place should resolve much of the remaining problems on south Constitution. Overall, however, great improvements have been made over the past few years.

Dave Wright, Gates Chair, reported that the maintenance agreement we entered into with Apex is working out very well. Apex has been checking and maintaining the gates at least monthly, which has greatly reduced the costs of emergency repairs. Dave noted that the Gates Committee has significantly reduced the dollar amount requested in the 2015 budget because of this agreement.

A question was raised about the rules of operation of the gates. One person stated they had not received any information on the gates. Steve Bailey said he would send out our information document on the gates, which we try to do periodically.

Steve Bailey, Nominating Chair, went over the voting procedure and briefly explained the reasons for the two financial requests on the ballot. Steve stepped down and let Dave Zeemont handle any further nominations for Secretary. Time was then allotted for people to vote.

While votes were being counted, Dave Zeemont asked for any discussions from the floor. Very little discussions took place so we just waited for the votes to be counted.

Voting results:

1. Increase the Annual Assessment (approx. 8.7%) from current $460 to $500. Special assessments for roads resurfacing will no longer be needed if this increase passes.


___100%___________ YES

_____________ NO

2. Special Assessment request for additional landscaping projects to bring the neighborhood into better shape which will help protect property values. This is for one year only. Total request $50.

____88%________ YES


____12%________ NO

3. Two year term for Secretary of CRNA. Vote for One.


_________100%_________________ Steve Bailey

Two year term for Director at Large. Vote for One.


_________100%_________________ Dave Wright

With no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:05 pm.



Respectfully submitted,\ Steve Bailey, CRNA Secretary\ January 30, 2015\ 575-520-0668