Jan 23, 2013 Annual Membership Minutes

Steve Bailey, Secretary, announced that a quorum had been met for a meeting with 42 people and 17 proxies.

Meeting was called to order by Dave Zeemont, President. Dave gave some welcoming comments then proceeded with the meeting.

Ronnie Wright, Audit Committee Chair, reported that the Audit Committee met with the Treasurer, went over the books, and found no problems.

William Webber, Design Control Chair, addressed the problem that had been raised concerning a solar panel installation. William read an email from the owner, who stated his intent to work with the Design Control Committee to follow the plan originally approved. He has been out of town due to a sudden illness in the family and has not even seen the installation. He asked all to understand and be patient; he will work to rectify things upon his return to town. His return time is indefinite due to the nature of the illness.

Bob Crowley, Treasurer, presented the 2013 budget (see attached,) which will be subject to the vote on certain items later, and compared them to last year's budget and actual amounts. As planned, the amount collected from each lot owner will be $50 less than in 2012. Bob explained that we were trying to set up a standard emergency fund of approximately $20,000 for any emergency such as landscaping, erosion control, or unplanned gate expenses, etc. He also explained that we had held enough money in reserve to pay for (or almost pay for) the Phase 3 portion of the road resealing, which will be scheduled for this spring. Bob stated that all taxes had been filed and that the email notification for assessments worked well last year. Notices will be sent out toward the end of February and the first part will be due by the end of March, the second part will be due by the end of June. Most people just send in both payments at the same time before the end of March.

Bob also reported that the Drainage and Erosion Control Committee had nothing to report. He stated that we had spent about $100,000 on control measures of the arroyos, ponding areas, and other areas but, because it hasn't rained significantly in the last couple years, the projects have not been tested. All looks well and hopefully there should be no major problems in the future.

Larry Felhauer reported on the Road Resealing project. Larry stated that Phase 3 of the project will begin this spring, although an exact date has not been selected yet. There will be ample notice given to everyone concerning the changes in traffic patterns during this process. Funds for this project have already been collected in 2012. The Special Assessment for Road Resealing/Repairs on the ballot will begin building a road fund over the next few years until we have to start the process over.

Carrie Gaddy presented a report on the Landscape Committee. Carrie stated that expenses for landscaping were higher than we had anticipated due to the age of the system. Work was done on both gate areas, Anthem Road, and the sign area, plus a couple of islands. What was discovered was, that after nearly ten years of service, the watering systems were giving up (ten years is what the life expectancy for those systems are.) Each area had to have new regulators, valves, and drip lines installed. The plans for 2013 are to work on the other islands, replacing the drip systems as needed. When replacing the drips, fewer actual drippers will be used so that water is not wasted. Her plan is to replace dead plants or add new plants that have low water requirements, but some may need water for the life of the plant.

Steve Bailey, Chair of the CC&R and By Law Committee, gave a brief explanation of an item we will be voting on. Regarding the money collected from builders to insure that the areas are cleaned/repaired after a house is built, the term "bond" (which has different meanings to different people) will be replaced by the term "deposit."

Dave Zeemont, acting as Nominations Chair, announced the candidates for office and asked for any new nominations from the floor. No new nominations were made. David asked for volunteers to count the votes — Rich Corona, Hazel Coelho, and Mary Rita Chapman volunteered. Dave announced that voting would begin.

After making certain that all had voted and handed in their ballots, Dave resumed the meeting. Since there were no further committee reports, Dave took this time to update everyone on the water company issue. The City has backed away from any desire to purchase the utility, but Dona Ana Mutual has applied for it. Dave stated that Dona Ana Mutual was a well run company but wondered why they wanted to purchase our system because they are located on the east side of the river and north of here. Sewer pipes cannot be run under the river and they would have other connection problems. They state they have the money for the purchase and funding for improvements that are needed. We will just have to keep following the process to see what happens.

A couple issues had been brought up concerning parking and weeds. Steve Bailey, CC&R and Bylaws Committee Chair, addressed the group, asking what kind of rules they want for parking. A few wanted strict adherence of the rules, a few wanted to throw them out, and most wanted some kind of solution that provided some exceptions (examples given were elderly parent moving in but still driving and houses with teenagers and/or college students, each with a car.) As far as weeds go, the CC&Rs are rather weak, even contradictory, on the subject. They state that building plats ( the flat graded areas on vacant lots) must be kept weed free. This obviously was intended to help the developer sell lots. In another area, it says all areas outside of the walled in areas must be kept wild and natural. Weeds are natural. Steve stated that the Committee will have to meet to come up with workable solutions to both of these problems and would produce something for a vote for the next general membership meeting. Another problem, this one concerning blinding lights, was brought up and discussed briefly. The Bylaws Committee will tackle that problem as well.

The voting results were announced:

Steve Bailey was re-elected as Secretary for another two years.

Dave Wright was selected as a Director at Large for the next two years.

A $35 increase in the annual assessment was approved by 87% yes.

A Special Assessment of $80 was approved for road resealing/repairs by 79% yes.

The change in terms from "bond" to "deposit" was approved by 100% yes.

Total assessments due per lot for 2013 will be $500.

All Board meetings are open to all members of the Coronado Ridge Neighborhood Association. Usually held the second Monday of each month, the next Board meeting will be held at 6:30 pm, Monday, February 11, 2013 at 1226 Regency Court.

With no further business, the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,\ Steve Bailey, Secretary CRNA\ January 24, 2013\ 520-0668