Jan 27, 2010 Annual Membership Minutes

Annual Membership Meeting Minutes\ January 27, 2010

Secretary Steve Bailey announced that a quorum had been met and the meeting was called to order by the President, Dave Zeemont.  A record turnout of 82 voting members, in person and by proxy, were in attendance.

Dave Zeemont welcomed everyone and briefly explained the on-going situation with Picacho Hills Utility Company (PHUC) and announced that a settlement was within sight but there still would be some testimony filed in Santa Fe.

There was a question about how long each special assessment proposal was for, and it was decided that all of the money matters to be voted on would be for one year only.

Bob Crowley, Erosion Control Chair, gave a PowerPoint presentation on a brief history of the Erosion Control projects and outlined projects that he had identified as doable in the coming year or two.  Among the most recent activities, Bob explained that vacant Lots 71 and 72, which had been dumping large amounts of silt onto Sonnet Court had been repaired through an agreement between the owners and Kelly Dickson.  No Association money has been spent on the repair project.  Bob asked for voluntary cooperation between property owners and the Committee so that pond and erosion control efforts could take place.  Contrary to common thoughts, according to Bob, the Committee lacks the authority to force property owners into compliance other than Bylawsuits or by actually performing the work, then billing the owners — through the lien process if necessary.  Voluntary cooperation is the key to progress in bringing properties into compliance.

Bob announced that there are seventeen ponds in the development that the CRNA has a responsibility to care for.  He went on to list several projects that were planned, including the ponds on Lots 88 and 104, that are in the process of being worked on.  Also under consideration is the ponding/drainage situation involving Lots 35, 36, and 37.  The problems in this area will require input from both the County and also from an engineer to help determine what work can and should be done.

CRNA has entered into an agreement with Picacho Mountain that, in exchange for allowing an easement (on the southeast corner of CRNA property) for a gas regulator station, Picacho Mountain has agreed to address the erosion problems that affect the western boundary of Constitution Road (top of the hill) and to allow water from Lots 35-37 be diverted into the PM drainage system.  Work is currently in progress ironing out the details of that agreement.  Also, the regulator station will be enclosed by a rock wall so that it will not show.

Bob stated the need for additional money be made available through a special assessment of $170 per lot to pay for the planned repair work.  The measure passed  with a 77% approval vote.

A question was asked about PM's initial offer to build houses at the top of Constitution, then allowing them to become part of the CRNA.  Dave Zeemont stated that, although the Association voted down that proposal several years ago, the possibility is still on the table as far as Picacho Mountain is concerned.

There was a question about having a price list for all of the projects being planned.  Bob responded that he was unable to create a comprehensive list due to some unknown factors of some of the main projects as well as the lack of volunteers to actually compile such a list.  He stated that we would have to go year by year until the work is done.

Larry Felhauer, member of the Gates and Roads Committee, gave a PowerPoint presentation on the repair and upkeep of the roads in CR and the need for establishing a road sealing fund devoted exclusively to road sealing protection and other like repairs.  He stated that most roads have a life expectancy of 15-20 years under normal circumstances.  The presentation showed how roads can slowly deteriorate by losing small amounts of aggregate then how it deteriorates with increasing speed as it loses more and more.  Finally, potholes develop and the roads have to be stripped and repaved.  Larry stated that a conservative estimate for repaving was approximately $500,000.  The use of a road sealant, not unlike the elastomeric sealant used on houses, could preserve the roads for many more years.  If done periodically, the road life could be stretched to 40 years or more.  The proposal would authorize money to be set aside and when enough is built up in reserve, the process could begin.  The roads, which equal approximately a half million square feet, were built in three phases and the application of sealant would be done in three phases as well.  The total amount for all three phases would be about $74,000 and each phase would be done about every five years.  The proposal asks for $130 per lot to start this reserve account.  The proposal passed with a 68% yes vote.

There were questions about speed bumps in CR (which received a resounding NO from the members); speed bumps on Anthem Road (it is a County Road so we have no say on that); and a request that someone should call the garbage collectors about speeding on our roads (was advised to go ahead and call them.)  A question of charging builders impact fees was referred to the Design Committee for consideration.

William Webber, Mailbox Relocation Committee member, gave a presentation on what has transpired in researching the possible movement of the mailboxes and of the projected cost involved.  Numerous complaints have been lodged concerning the unsafe conditions around the current mailboxes.  Traffic from Picacho Mountain often travels at a high rate of speed, mainly during "quitting time" for construction, which coincides with when most members are picking up their mail.  Adding to the problem is the dip Anthem Road takes just prior to emerging at the intersection with Constitution, making it hard to see approaching vehicles.  All of the possibilities were researched by the Committee and they came up with the only viable solution, near the large ponding area near the intersection of Constitution and south Sonnet Court.  We own the land there and there is enough room to safely park several cars at a time.

Several questions were raised about traffic, inconvenience of those close to the existing mailboxes, and stop signs near the existing boxes.  The proposal failed with only 39% Yes.

Landscaping Chair, Barbara Rose Farber, presented a look into the costs of hiring a company to maintain all of our landscaping.  There are 25 islands to maintain in addition to the two gates and Anthem Road.  The landscaping company also cleans up normal trash and debris from Association properties and repairs drips systems as needed.  Storm damage (extra silt, etc.) comes under a separate contract, which the Board has never instituted, due to costs and logistics of tracking whose responsibility the silt is.  This type of cleaning has been worked out separately with Kelly Dickson, who will charge $75 per hour for his equipment and a labor charge of just $15 per hour.  Discussion was held on whether we should be sweeping the streets or not.   General consensus was that hiring someone should be held off until more of the erosion control projects have taken effect.  Major storm damage will be taken care of, however.  Several people spoke up that the islands should be taken care of by volunteers and then removed from the contract with the landscaping company.  Anna Leunenberger will speak to that subject later on in the meeting.  Generally, members agreed that for all of the work being done, $700+ a month was a good bargain.

Mary Rita Chapman, Treasurer, gave the power point presentation on the Treasurer's report and explanation of the proposed 2010 budget.  The Audit Committee had performed its audit and found no problems, although a few minor suggestions were made.    The Treasurer's report is attached; however, the 2010 Budget will have to be reworked and sent out at a later time.  The proposal to raise the annual assessment by 10% for a new total of $366 failed.  The vote, which required a 2/3 vote only mustered a 62% approval. The amount for 2010 will remain at $332.75.

Steve Bailey, acting Nominations Chair, conducted the nomination process for Board of Director's offices.  The Committee had selected Dave Zeemont, President; Bob Crowley and Walter Scheiderich, Treasurer; and Larry Felhauer, Director at Large.  A motion was made and seconded on each category to end nominations and was passed unanimously.  Dave Zeemont was re-elected President; Larry Felhauer was re-elected as Director at Large; and Bob Crowley was chosen for Treasurer, replacing Mary Rita Chapman, who did not run for re-election.

Time was dedicated for people to cast their votes.  When it was clear that everyone had voted, the voting was called to an end and ballots collected and counted by volunteers Dave Wright, Barbara Rose Farber, and Kathy Mayer.  Because of the length of the ballot and the wonderfully high number of voters who turned out, the volunteers only had time to count and report the winners of the elected officers.  Dave Wright and Steve Bailey volunteered to remain to count the remaining issues.  (Results were emailed out before midnight.)

Anna Leunenberger spoke briefly about organizing volunteers to "adopt" the islands in CR to make sure they are properly cared for, thus reducing the expense of having the landscaping company do it.  She collected signatures at the meeting and will also appreciate volunteers after the meeting.  Email me if you would like to volunteer and it will be forwarded to Anna.

Tim Henderson spoke about his desire for CR to allow an annual yard sale.  The response was generally that we had already discussed and voted on that proposition a couple times in the past.  No action was taken.

Jan Harrison announced the "For the Love of Art" activity which will be held Sunday, February 7th from 1-4 pm at the Country Club.  The event is free admission and artwork from our local artists in Picacho Hills will be available for sale.  This is a part of the month long Art Appreciation Month in Las Cruces.

Dave Zeemont gave some closing remarks regarding the water company's agreement to meet us half way in the contested water bills we had been fighting for over a year.  They will issue a credit for that amount.  Also, he mentioned that the damage to the retaining wall that had been done by PHUC when cleaning out the fire hydrant at west Constitution Road had been done and the water company had agreed to pay for it.  Dave further elaborated on the legal problems we were having with two lot owners and gave a brief update on them.

With no further business, the meeting was adjourned.  A complete recap of the voting results are attached and are part of the official minutes.

Respectfully submitted,\ Steve Bailey, CRNA Secretary\ January 29, 2010