Jan 22, 2009 Annual Membership Minutes

January 22, 2009

Annual Membership Meeting

Secretary Steve Bailey advised Dave Zeemont, President that a quorum had been met.  We needed 41 residents, including up to 11 proxies for a quorum.  We had 40 members present plus 17 proxies.  Dave Zeemont called the meeting to order.

Board Members present were Dave Zeemont, President; Steve Bailey, Secretary; Mary Rita Chapman, Treasurer; and Larry Felhauer and Barbara Rose Farber, Directors At Large.

Steve Bailey quickly went over the ballots and the accompanying letter explaining each ballot item.

Dave Wright, Nominations Chair, asked for any further nominations other than what the Nominations Committee had recommended.  No further nominations were made.  Steve Bailey was elected for a two year term as Secretary and Barbara Rose Farber was elected to a two year term as Director At Large.

Mary Rita Chapman, Treasurer, presented the proposed budget for 2009.  Included in the budget was a request for a 10% increase in the annual assessment.  Roberta Watson stated that, unfortunately, our CC&Rs do not allow any of the assessment money to be spent on items such as the Social Committee.  She moved that the line item concerning the Social Committee ($50) be struck from the budget.  The measure was seconded and passed by show of hands with only two members opposed.  There were several members who said they would be willing to donate funds for the Committee to operate.

Mr. Hamilton gave a talk about the accounting procedures and gave some of his suggestions as to how the accounting should be handled.  No action was taken on his suggestions.  He did bring up that the Association was required to file a form with the IRS concerning our taxes.  Dave Zeemont added that he had already looked into the matter with accountants and others in the PHPOA and stated that the report was not necessary.  Bob Crowley volunteered to help with the filing of IRS Form 990.

A request was made for a Profit and Loss report comparing 2008 with the proposed 2009 report.  It is included here as an attachment.

The members voted in favor of increasing the annual assessment by 10% ($332.75)  This amount will be due on or before March 31, 2009, as per the CC&Rs.

Kelly Dickson, Erosion Chair, gave a presentation concerning the erosion control measures he has been working on.  This past year he has overseen the completion of several projects including redoing the pond area at Anthem and Barcellona to help keep the water and soil from collecting out on the street.  He has also done much of the work on the large pond C (Constitution & Sonnet) by installing a large concrete flume in the arroyo leading to the pond as well as a smaller flume directing water from Constitution into the pond.  He also sculpted several small dams with overflows in the area to reduce soil erosion.  The large Pond B on Barcellona has received a lot of attention but still needs a lot of work to be done.  Kelly was responsible for doing work on other projects that my report cannot begin to address.  All of Kelly’s work was done at no charge to the Association and he has even donated some of the gasoline he used in his tractor.  Kelly was presented with a fine bottle of tequila as a token of our appreciation for his dedicated hard work and his generous attitude.  (The tequila was purchased by private funds, not the Association’s.)

Kelly went on to explain that we needed a large amount of money to complete the erosion control projects that he had identified.  Although many feel that Mr. Moscato should be responsible for doing many of the projects, Kelly and Dave Zeemont remarked that the work needs to be done now and that any action against other individuals would have to wait.

Members voted in favor of a Special Assessment of $300 per lot to cover some of the expenses of an engineer’s study and work to be done on erosion control projects.  This is for one year only.

Members voted in favor of including a clarification to the election process in the Bylaws.

Members voted in favor of including the Social Committee to the list of committees in the Bylaws.

Members voted against allowing a single, CRNA sponsored Yard Sale per year.

Members voted against changing to CC&Rs to change the number of members required to remove a Board member from 2/3 to 35% of those present.

Members voted against changing CC&Rs to remove the President’s power to appoint committees.

Members voted against changing CC&Rs to remove President from selecting Committee Chairs and replacing that right with the Board.

Because the member submitting the last three amendments was not in attendance at the meeting to explain/support his amendments, he has asked that they be re-submitted at our next General Membership meeting.

Kathy Mayer, Chair Web Site Committee, gave a brief presentation on the new web site that is up and running.  The basics are there and we will be adding more items as time goes on.  Instead of outlining what was presented here, Kathy will be sending out an email to everyone (and US mail to those without email) explaining what the web site is all about and how to use it.  A lot of work has gone into this effort and we thank Kathy and Mary Rita Chapman for their hard work in bringing this long-asked-for project to life.  We would also like to thank resident Bill Bartell for donating his time in designing the new website.  You can access the site at www.coronadoridge.com

Dave Zeemont added that the case concerning the pump station electric bill and the water company (PHUC) was continuing.  He will be presenting the signed petitions soon to our local politicians and interested persons.  He also stated that the effluent line project has not had any progress as yet.  You will note that the State of New Mexico is now requiring the PHUC to divert the effluence to the Rio Grande instead of using it on the golf course at night.

Answering another question, Dave stated that the mailboxes will be moved off the street more, but no time table was given at this time.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:30 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Steve Bailey

CRNA Secretary

January 24, 2009